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Friday, 28 June 2013


Theban Alphabet 

The Theban alphabet is used almost exclusively by Wiccans as a substitution cipher to protect magical writings from prying eyes. It originated as a magical alphabet; the exact origin of the text is unknown. The Theban alphabet first appeared in print in Henry Cornelius Agrippa’s Third book of Occult Philosophy in 1531, where it was ascribed to the legendary magus Honorius of Thebes.
This alphabet is occasionally referred to as the “Runes of Honorius,” although Theban is not a runic alphabet. While it resembles some ancient alphabets, it is unknown before Agrippa’s publication. It is little used as a magical alphabet, except as an occasional substitute for Anglo-Saxon runes, or for making charms and amulets. Theban was introduced to Wicca by its founder, Gerald Gardner. To use Theban as a cipher, simply substitute Theban letters for English letters are shown above.
This alphabet, also called Runes of Honorius or Witch's Alphabet , emerged during the
medieval period when Cabbalistic studies were prominate in the practices of European
magicians. It is very powerful, and you can use it on your BOS, carving the letters on
stone or wood as an amulet, or for candle spells. Users of this magickal alphabet often
include a stylized character at the end of a writing. This character is translated as the
Greek Alpha and Omega.
It is believed to have been invented by Honorius of Thebes (an ancient city in Greece),
hence the opt-used designation "The Runes of Honorius," but there is no credible
supporting evidence to this fact.



The first thing to understand about evil is that it can only enter the material world through us. The second thing to remember about evil is that it is real. Practically every history and religion on the planet earth today,tells us of the existence of evil. Yet in just the last five hundred years, humanity has 'Matured' to the perspective that the world of spirit does not exist.This revelation is a direct result of our pursuit of physical science and technology.Our seeming ability to conquer the elements of the material world around us has given us the sense that we, in the material sense, are superior to every other form of life on the planet. This barbaricly  childish reasoning has lead us deeper into an illusion of our selves that is rapidly becoming our undoing.

The world of spirit is real,has been real,is currently real,and will continue to be real long after our current material reality has long since become dust.That's because the universe is composed of "organised energy", we are composed of organised energy.we are energy.we our not our physical bodies, they are simply an amusement park ride we get on and get off of each lifetime.The problem for us lies in our childish insistence that the ride is real. We get so caught up in the excitement of the moment, we don't want it to end, and we want it to stay the same forever. well we can't.

We see death as an end, rather than a beginning. our common fear of death is based in our disbelief of reincarnation. This is a product of materialism. We think death is the end, one's the body is dies it's all over.Death taught us fear,fear taught us violence, and our lives have been corrupted ever since.We are addicted to our material illusion. Because,we believe more in our individual physical expressions than we do our true spiritual expressions. we are incapable of understanding what happens in death. we watch the physical body-grow as a thing and death becomes just the end of a thing.What we can't notice without a proper spiritual disposition, is that the physical body is like a drug for us. As spirit, it gives us the chance to explore a whole different reality from a variety of different lifetimes. As spirit, we never die. As spirit, our destiny lies far beyond what or where we are now. The world material world for us is a manifestation of the spiritual creativity. Light,water,and minerals all participate in the forming of life, but the two,water and mineral are physical elements.Light represents the cosmic fire that initiates the combining of elements into higher forms and eventually into us. The physical body dies when we, as spirit, leave it, but we as spirit live on, learning from our interactive experiences in the material world.

The trick to understanding this is realizing you're watching five dimensional TV.The five physical sense, taste, touch, smell,seeing, and hearing are the reality we perceive outside of ourself when we are awake. we are somewhere else on the inside. we go somewhere else during sleeping. The material world can be just as much illusion as your imagination. you must realize that 99% of the way you in particularly see the world, is generated in your mind, not outside it. Input from the five senses make the illusion believable. If your internal reaction have already been trained by the nature of your environment, you are caught in the spell we call culture. Which means to a certain extent, you are predictable. If you are predictable, you can be tricked. if everyone in the room is equally predictable, tricking the whole room will only reinforce the trick for all involved, and it will be easier than trying to trick just one person at a time.In fact, the more people you can trick at any given time, the stronger will be the perception of the individuals involved that there was no trick. Sound tricky? This is the nature of material illusion.

A tree is just a tree; it will not play tricks on you.In fact it won't even move for you. People,on the other hand,can be elusive.
The reason a person can be something else on the inside than the outside,is because we are not physical body, we are multidimensional beings. The physical body is like a car with tinted windows that we ride around in. You can only see what's inside if you look real carefully.You can't see all of us with just the five material senses. emotions are not achieved via the material senses, you can't see,smell,taste,hear,or touch an emotion. Feeling is one of our multidimensional senses. Our feelings are invisible to the material world, because feelings are energy. Those impulses of energy and can have a localized effect upon the physical body they emanate from. The heart races, the mind is burdened with illusion, the body feels sick, etc. At night when we sleep,as spirit, we leave our bodies like a light switch being turned off.More specifically,when we sleep, our astral body and our "I am leave", and our etheric body stays with the physical body.Sustaining and restoring it's vitality for when we return in the morning and the light switch is turned on.

Energy exist in a variety of forms.The form of energy we call feelings is the most intense expression of energy we can perceive from a purely material perspective. These impulses we call feelings originate in a place energetically beyond our feelings,in perception.A place where we originate as pure energy, or spirit. Feelings are our spirits reaction to what our senses perceive, and the mind imagines in response to those perception.
But feelings can also feel other feelings. From a material perspective,the spirit world is an invisible world within us that encompasses everything outside of us. This world is visible to the clairvoyant, and it is becoming more visible for many of us. If you think you are suffering from general anxiety disorder,you could be one of the people beginning to perceive the spirit world. But, you do not need Paxil. From a material perspective going within,the first expression perceivable of the spirit world is the feelings. Feelings of strong emotion that pass through us unexplained. Intuition becomes the concept of perceiving the spiritual postures behind the actions of others. The spiritual posture,or intent, is the true essence of any action taken. The intent is provided by the sum of your entire spiritual existence in coordination with the purely material perceptions of your current physical body. your choice. Your karma is based not on your material actions, but on the spiritual intent behind them. God exist in this world of spirits; it probably does not even see us in the material. Its relationship to us exists in this world of energy. To it we are energy. It is the source which we aspire. It calls us within to learn more about ourselves.

Demons are spirit too. They also exist in the world of energy. evil would tempt us out into our material limitations. They do not want us to develop the ability to understand ourselves spiritually. They enter through animal nature within our genetic ancestry, what we like to call our primitive past. That animal is still very much a part of us today. Passion and physical attraction are the sum of our experience of the animal within. The trick is the animal has been subordinated to our higher thinking functions. If those higher thinking functions become vulnerable to illusion, the animal can be tempted. It is no mistake in our culture that the naked form,be it male or female is most blatantly used as an icon to tempt animality within us. Desires leads to competition and the public animalistic mating ritual. The public degradation of sex that we allow to be exhibited within our culture corrupts our perception of one of our most sacred forms of self expression and union. The process occurs gradually, over time we are tempted to sex in a material sense rather than a spiritual one. And yet for most people the key point of enjoyment in sex is the spiritual orgasm that occurs  at the height of arousal, especially when that leap is taken with a loving companion. But fear of physical rejection encourages us to jealousy and egotistical competition. Modern media stimulates this perpetual competition.

Modern media has become the most impressive medium for transplanting concepts to human consciousness in all of recorded history. With the assistance of pharmaceutical drugs,the combination can be lethal to a healthy human spirit. Media draws the culture we presume to aspire to. Media is both reflective and subjective. Fear is the primary entryway media uses to get into a human spirit. It was your parent's responsibility to instill fear in you as a child. Humans instinctively abhor violence with other    
humans, that's why violence shocks us into different thought repeated exposure. Once the violence tool is firmly embedded in the human psyche, purely psychological constructs can be attached  
to the fear of physical violence. That will no longer require the act of violence to actually occur, the mere threats invokes the memory of past violence, and the subject will respond. These are the basic concepts of animal husbandry. Yes folks, you are in essence, cattle. That's not to say you don't have hope. You are a divine child of god; you will always have hope because you will always have choice. What you have to acquire on your own, is realization.

Because we have been bred to dislike any form of violence against us, violence is what's used to corrupt us. Karma should have taught you by now that all of your actions return to you. If not, time to get with program, because it does. of course, because you  have only just come to this realization, don't expect to get things immediately better because you suddenly suffered a case of remorse. This may play like a game, but the results are for real.
If you constantly generate bad intent towards others, you will fall with the rest of falling angles. These very fallen angles are the ones that seek to tempt you to ill. When the jerk in  traffic cuts you off, they are the upswell of violence you experience at the moment of anger. You may have noticed that when your day is one case of anger after another, by the end of the day you don't feel so good. Let's look at that again. Lots of anger makes feel bad; therefore it cannot be good. It could be that simple. Your power of choice is sufficient to overcome this urge, provided you are able to clear your mind of illusion, and make decision that lead to your greater wellbeing.The universe cannot be tricked, and make decisions that lead to your greater wellbeing.The universe cannot be tricked, and you are not clever enough to trick it. Human vanity is our greatest weakness. We think we can outsmart anything. This is materialist thinking based on a disbelief in the spirit. Approach the universe in wonderment and awe and you will see the glory of heaven revealed to you.

This reality calls us to participate. Calls us to hear the stories of our brethren written in histories of every peoples of the world. When we can achieve a point where we consciously choose to have only good intention to the people we meet in life.
We begin to move in a different direction. In time, the intent we have sincerely displayed and felt well being to have an effect on the actions that come back to us. In time, and with conscious practice, one could even achieve the perspective that all actions taken against you are betterment of your soul, and are the reflected expression of your will to be. This the positive side of karma, it's not designed to hurt us, it's designed to teach us. This, will to be, can be compromised by illusion, if the individual chooses in ignorance. Mistakes allow us the opportunity to correct painful behaviors. Ego has us believe we can get away with it. The landscape of your consciousness is not the world you perceive externally with the five material senses.
It is an internal world you must learn to see. It is like a vessel that must be guided. By choosing good, as with evil, you build behaviors that eventually call good things to you. While with evil, the incidents get increasing more difficult to navigate.

If we remove the external metaphor of war and violence, and just look at the nature of conflict. We observe that the concept of conflict is inherent in nature. Now as materialist we have pretty varying definition of conflict. And this is not to say all conflict is bad.Because in essence, conflict is simply change. The universe exists in a constant state of change.This constant change often stimulates violence, but violence doesn't have to stimulate violence. When the individual responds to violence with violence, the individual is tempted down the wrong path. We all know the process of opening our hearts requires us to dismantle the defenses surrounding it. Emotionally, our culture exists in a state of emotional trauma incited by the very violent nature our fear. We already have fortresses built around our hearts sometimes before we even enter the first grade. We spend our lives trying to accommodate this trauma. Which is almost impossible to do without the recognition of the realm of spirit. While the element of evil in our midst is steady inspiring us to commit more violence, ever deepening the pool of karma among us? Which in our next life almost certainly means there too will we encounter karma we don't feel we deserved. Every choice we make moves us up or down. It is evil within us that incites us to seek
it's reflection in others. Likewise, good will incite us to seek it's reflection in others. Which do you prefer? The choice is yours.

Thursday, 27 June 2013



In most cases we try to communicate with ghosts in the same way that we would talk to a neighbor.Many of us have learned this from hollywood movies and television shows.Character speak with ghosts in the same way that you would speak to a friend: with verbal communication.You will often hear phrases like:'GIVE ME A SIGN!' or 'WHO ARE YOU?' or 'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?'

So why doesn't this really work as a way to communicate with ghosts?When we verbalize a question to a ghost,we are assuming that they have ears to hear us with and vocal chords to respond with.But ghosts do not have physical bodies. The five sense we utilize do not apply to them.Ghosts speak a different language.


Emotion is the universal language.WE receive messages through emotions all the time,but we rarely recognize it.The messages we receive are interpreted by the brain and become the thoughts and words that run through our heads.

If a ghost has a developed level of consciousness,it is able to project specific 'Messages' or emotions to us. If a ghost projects a negative emotion,we may become scared. Alternatively,if the ghost projects a positive emotion,we may feel comforted or happy.

Obviously, that is a very general overview of how ghosts communicate with us. Human emotions range from joy to sadness to anger to envy and all the emotions in between.Emotion can become very complex,so it will take practice to fully understand what message the ghost is sending you.


Now we understand how ghost communicate with us.But how do we communicate with a ghost? often what people try to do is as a question verbally,such as 'Who are you'?

To communicate this using the language of emotion,the language that can be understood by ghosts, you must take the feeling of the question and broadcast that out. We often broadcast emotions,but seldom do it intentionally. For example,haven't you ever seen someone and just known that they are a happy,bubbly person?You know because they are broadcasting that emotion and you are picking up on it.


Sit down and clear your mind.Now think of the question you want to ask the ghost.'Who are you?' 'What do you want?'Focus on the feeling behind the question.

If you have trouble with this practice with more concrete emotions.For example,what does joy feel like?now what does anticipation feel like?pay close attention to the feelings in your chest and how the feeling is different for different emotions.Now go back to your question.What is feeling behind your question?

Once you have the feeling behind your question,exhale and imagine projecting that feeling outward.


You do not speak to ghosts using verbal language and you don't listen to them with verbal though if you want to get the full and correct message.So how do you know what the ghost is communicating?

listen by entering a state of non-thought.You may be thinking, how do i not think?is that even possible?

Non thought is not a state of not thinking, it is a mental state of thinking without words. When the constant stream of chatter in your head, what is sometimes called the babbler, stops you will be able to pay attention to the more subtle forms of communication that you were not even aware of before:the language of emotion.


Sit down on a chair or on the floor.You want to be comfortable, but not so comfortable you fall asleep. Choose a location where you won't be disturbed for a few minutes.Eventually, you will be able to go into a state of non-thought at will,even with a lot of activity,but for now, we will start slow.

Take several deep breaths.Focus on the breath as your breath in and out.When you breathe out imagine all of the negative emotions and worry leaving your body.


Now that your mind is clear,pay attention to what you are feeling around you.It is important to notice the feeling,but try not to analyze it or talk about it in your head.

Don't be too hard on yourself!If you catch yourself talking in your head,simply take a breath to release the thoughts and begin again.

Interactions with ghosts and entities become possible as you master these new skills. As you develop the ability to enter non-thought at will and to create and project emotion,you will find that the possibilities for communication and learning are limitless.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013



Spiritual possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the spirit world world constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts negative influence on a person living on earth.
most commonly they are known as ' evil spirits ' and, although many people many scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lines. spiritual possession can be the cause of illness,mental disorders or even crimes,but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge they must know the truth.

"One of the reason people are unable to succeed but instead walk a path of faliure is spiritual disturbances, the effect of stray spirits."

Evil spirits (souls who have gone to hell after death) are spirits that have strong attachment towards the earth and human way of life spirits in hell do not understand they are spiritual beings. all they know is life with a physical body, so they are consumed with the desire to satisfy their materialistic needs. 
because reincarnation from hell is impossible, they aim to possess a person living on earth. by possessing a human being evil spirits can feel just as if they have their own physical body, feeling the physical sensations and satisfying desires for food, sex, money, power and the like.
the only prerquisite for evil spirits to come and stay with a person living on earth, is to find someone whose is on the same wavelength as theirs. evil spirits cannot stay with a person living on earth if he or she is always calm, benevolent and altruistic. but if his or her mind is dark with hatred and anger stays that way for extended periods of time, then it will attract evil spirits who, being on the same wavelength, can sneak into the person's mind and stay on earth for five, ten or even many more years. this is what is known as spiritual possession. spiritual possession can cause various unfortunate phenomena.

when humans are possessed by evil spirits, their character changes and they seem to no longer be themselves. if the possession is expressed very strongly, a person may become very aggressive, greedy or jealous, he may start to eat and drink to excess, or lust after the opposite sex like an animal. the human body feels heavy when it is possessed by an evil spirit; the neck and shoulders feel stif; the spine and lower back feel heavy. a vicious circle starts when a person is always in a bad mood and no longer gets on well with other people. when a personality turns really bad it can sometimes indicate a possession by two, three or more spirits serve mental illness occurs when multiple spirits possessing a person push the person's own soul out of his physical body.people can be possessed by detrimental animal spirits as well as by evil spirits. if a person always emits the same kind of negative thoughts, no just stray human spirits, but also animal spirits might wrap themselves around the person's body. this phenomenon usually would have an effect of making the person prone to various illness. what is more, amongst these stray spirits there are some malicious spirits that actively want to destroy the happiness of the people in this world. they manipulate a person's mind to deliberately make him act in a way that will lead to unhappiness and bring chaos to people's lives.people who are psychic can see the phenomenon of spiritual possession in a form of a hazy small cloud dinging to the tops of possessed people's heads, shoulders, or other parts of the body.
the cause of possession lies in a mistaken way of thinking.

The roots of spiritual possession lies in the thoughts of a mistaken mind.a person will be possessed by animal. this is because a mind that cannot restrain its greediness, a mind that is crazed for the opposite sex, can be in alignment with animalistic spirits. moreover, if a person cannot control his anger, rants, raws, and blames others he will draw in the violent spirits of ashura hell. the cold-bloodedness of someone who is indifferent to other people's feeling, who is very self assertive and thick-skinned, leads him to coming under the control of egotistic evil spirits.
defense against spiritual possession.

  • Take good care of physical health. in order to avoid possession by any stray spirit, it is first of all important to have a well-regulated lifestyle; take good nutrition and give our bodies enough rest and exercise.
  • practice self- reflection and keep the mind free from attachments and excessive desires. we can protect ourselves from being invaded by what is known as "stray or evil spirits" by bading a life of moderation where we know how to be content. the chink in the mind's armor all stem from desire. they are spawned from bickering and strong lusts. so we should fill our minds with the light of harmony so that stray or evil spirits cannot find a way in. it is important to control desires and to have the intention of walking the path of middle way, a way that avoids extremes.
  • Have wisdom to respect common sense. a constant knowledge of the world, or the way that society works, is an important safety valve to protect us from evil spirits taking total possession of us and driving us to mental breakdown. it is important, first of all, to establish oneself as a person of common sense before we attempt to explore the world beyond the boundaries of common sense.
  • Have faith and band together with dharma friends. fellows in truth and believers should join together to protect themselves over the long term in order to maintain a state where they cannot be possessed. in particular, they shoul create a religious space in shojas(monasteries), faith centers and their homes, and create a barrier of light so that any strays and spirits cannot enter.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


The devil and the way of guru (SIKHS)

The focus of the guru is on purifying the heart and becoming more Life centered/Naam centred and realising that the self is part of life and supported by it, so there iss no gain by being self centred, to the exclusionof others. By drawing life into one's life, we becomes lamp for the light that is god.
then, we can soread that light to others. the whole technology of gurmat (way of the guru) is for this purpose.
Snce gurmat is about how we like life, most people tend to regard discussion of spirits as superstition, or at best irrelevant.this is unfortunate since there is nothing in guru granth sahib ji/ gurbani or the daily prayers which is not for our benefit. that various spirits exist is mentioned many times in gurbani. in common with many idegigenous traditions, there is mention of the elemental spirits of water and fire , and mother earth ("mata dharat mahat") variou hindu gods and goddessses, the prophets mentioned, in the semitic religious. (judaism,christianity,islam,many buddhas and others.) free from the confusion that this world is all there is, the spirits cannot be sincere atheists god, they remember the name.
"Dmons,angles,snake king of hell,and sprites utter the name all the time" (tav prasad swayyas,verse 7,third of morning prayers)
However, in the material world, people often go on to workship these other spirits rather god.gurbani tells us that.
"Sme fools go to workship idols, while others,behaving unenlightenedas animals go to workship he dead" (tav prasad,swayyas,verse9)
Tis does no include only black magic and voodoo but also lighting candles at the tombs of dead stainsand praying to them, often accompanied by music, which was a common practice of sufi muslims. it is different from remembering dead beloved ones. what happens to those we loved after death? the angle of death is sometimes called yama, by which name he is also known to the jains,buddhists and hindus, and azrel, which is what the muslims call him. the soul is taken from the body and then taken to the divine court for divine justice. according to our good and evil deeds, people are placed in heavens (rewards)and hells (punishment). thereafter they may be given another chance at serving god through being reincarnated.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Demons and evil spirits as according to hindu mythology

There are two great classifications of such forms of evil and demon spirits in hindu mythology, one is created by the gods during the creation of the world and thus brought into the world as demons or gunas, soon after the forms of evil and demon spirits in hindu mythology depend on the cause and kind of death occured to the individual.

The demons usually act at the orders of the greater deities as Nandi of lord siver or the deemons, whose were  created due to man, rather to the spirits of men, who have once lived on the earth. the existence of these demons is derived from deceased spirits of dead human brings and it is to these that admiration and propetation are commonly offered. All malignant deevils are believed to have been originally human beings.

If a man is injured and finally killed by a tiger or dies due to snakebite and does not receive proper funeral ceremonies, becomes a ghostly spirit.It is believed that to become an unquite spirit, roaming about with malicious intentions is only possible if the death has occurred due to sudden and unhealthy reason. Death in an accident and formal discarding without proper funeral ceremonies or death inflicted by criminals and disposal of the body furtively without proper religious rites changes the transitional body into deadly and fiery ghosts or roaming spirits.

In southern india it is believed that if a dishonorable man dies suddenly or accidentally his evil nature never expires and his every nearby souls assumes his personality and lives after him as demon. this is equally applicable to women, so the demons can be of both the sexes, of any cast.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Angels on Earth Sinned

Other passages place angels on earth prior to man.Notice II Pet. 2:4-6. First in time order "angels that sinned." Next in time sequence, the antediluvian world beginning with Adam, carrying through to the Flood. After that, Sodom and Gomorrah.
This book of books, containing the revealed knowledge of the Creator God, tells us that God created angels as composed of spirit. But can you imagine angels becoming sinning angels? Angels were created with power of thought, of decision and of choice, else they have no individuality of character. Since sin is the transgression of God's law, these angels rebelled against God's law, the basis of God's government.
But how and when did the angels sin?
Notice carefully what is revealed in II Peter 2:4-5; "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly." The words "cast...down to hell" in the above verse is an English expression translated from the Greek tartaroo, from tartaros, found in no other Bible passage. Tartaros means a place or condition of restraint.
These verses show that universal sin brings universal destruction to the physical earth. The antediluvian sin, culminating with the Flood, was worldwide, universal sin. Notice: "...the earth was filled with violence...for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth...for the earth is filled with violence..." (Gen. 6:11-13). "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord....Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God" (verses 8-9). All flesh had sinned--over the whole earth. But only Noah "walked with God." So, the Flood destroyed the whole earth--all but Noah and his family.
The homosexual and other sins of Sodom and Gomorrah spread over the territory of those two cities. And physical destruction came to their entire area. The sin of the angels was worldwide; the destruction of the physical was worldwide. (And there is reason to believe, as will be explained in chapter 7, universe wide.)
The verses quoted above place the sinning of the angels prior to the antediluvian sins that started with Adam, prior to the creation of man. And that should be a surprise revealing of one phase of the mystery! Angels inhabited this earth before the creation of man.
It is revealed in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, that God placed the archangel Lucifer, a cherub, on a throne on the earth. He was placed there as a ruler over the entire earth. God intended him to rule the earth by administering the government of God over the earth. And the government of God was administered on earth until the rebellion of the sinning angels.
How long these angels inhabited the earth before the creation of man is not revealed. It might have been millions--or even billions--of years. More on that later. But these angels sinned. Sin is the transgression of God's law (I John 3:4). And God's law is the basis of God's government. So we know these angels, apparently a third of all the angels (Rev. 12:4), sinned--rebelled against the government of God. And sin carries penalties. The penalty for the sin of the angels is not death, as it is for man. Angels are immortal spirit beings and cannot die. These spirit beings had been given dominion over the PHYSICAL EARTH as a possession and an abode.
The universal, worldwide sin of the angels resulted in the physical destruction of the face of the earth.


Was This an Angel?

This case had weighed heavily on my mind. I had been touched with deep compassion for this poor fellow. Yet his mind was not impaired, and I knew that God does not compromise with SIN.Some weeks later I had borrowed my brother's car again, and happened to be driving out Foster Road. Actually at the time my mind was filled with another mission, and this deformed cripple was not on my mind at all. I was deep in thought about another matter.
Coming to the intersection of the street on which the cripple lived, however, I was reminded of him. Instantly the thought came as to whether I ought to pay them one more call--but at the same instant reason ruled it out. They had made light of, and actually ridiculed the idea of surrendering to obey God. Immediately I put them out of mind, and again was deep in thought about the present mission I was on.
Then a strange thing happened.
At the next intersection, the steering wheel of the car automatically turned to the right. I felt the wheel turning. I resisted it. It kept turning right. Instantly I applied all my strength to counteract it, and keep steering straight ahead. My strength was of no avail. Some unseen force was turning that steering wheel against all my strength. The car had turned to the right into the street one block east of the home of the cripple.
I was frightened. Never before had I experienced anything like this. I stopped the car by the curb. I didn't know what to make of it.
It was too late to back into traffic-heavy Foster Road. "Well," I thought, "I'll drive to the end of this block and turn left, and then back onto Foster Road."
But, a long block south on this street, it turned right only. There was no street turning east. In getting back onto Foster Road I was now compelled to drive past the home of the cripple.
"Could it possibly be that an angel forced the steering wheel to turn me in here?" I wondered, somewhat shaken by the experience. I decided I had better stop in at the cripple's home a moment, to be sure.
I found him stricken with blood poisoning. The red line was nearing his heart.
I told them what had happened. "I know, now," I said, "that God sent an angel to turn me in here. I believe that god wants me to pray for you--that he will heal you of this blood poisoning to show you his power, and then give you one more chance to repent and be willing to obey him. And if you will do that, then he will straighten out your twisted spine and heal you completely.
"So now, if you want me to do so, I will pray for you and ask God to heal you of this blood poisoning. But I will not ask God to heal your spine unless and until you repent and show willingness to obey whatever you yourself see God commands."
They were now desperate. He probably had about 12 hours to live. They were not joking and jesting lightly about the "good times" at "Pentecostal meetin'." They wanted me to pray.
I was not an ordained minister, so I did not anoint with oil. I had never yet in my life prayed aloud before others. I explained this to them, and said I would simply lay hands on the man and pray silently, as I did not want any self-consciousness of praying aloud for the first time to interfere with real earnestness and faith. I did have absolute faith he would be healed of the blood poisoning.
He was.
I returned the next day. The blood poisoning had left him immediately when I prayed. But, to my very great sorrow and disappointment, they were once again filled with levity, and sarcasm about God's law. Again they were jestingly talking about having a "good time" at "Pentecostal" meetings.
There was no more I could do. It was one of the great disappointments of my life. I never saw or heard from any of them again.



COULD ANYTHING be more mysterious than the question of the unseen spirit world? Angelic beings have always been a mystery to people on the earth. Do angels actually exist? Is there, in fact, a Satan the devil? Is Satan a literal, immortal being? Did God create a devil?Some religions worship gods they believe to be evil spirits. Some of the great cathedrals of the Christian religion are embellished on their exterior with gargoyles, ugly and grotesque carved faces, which are supposed to frighten evil spirits away.
All the evils and troubles in the world are caused by minds clashing with minds. But what is the real cause of clashing of minds? Is there any connection between contentious attitudes and the unseen spirit world? It is a mystery to almost everybody, but the Bible reveals a very real but invisible world--another dimension, as some choose to call it--existing along with our own, absolutely indiscernible to our five senses. It is the spirit world.
In the first chapter of Hebrew, we read of angels serving as God's secret messengers, sent forth to minister to those God has called to salvation and eternal life.
In Ephesians 6 it is stated that our contentions and striving are in fact not with other human people, but against "principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [evil spirits] in high places."
How can this be? Why is the world filled with such clashings and contentions between human minds?
In Ephesians 2:2, humans have been walking "according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air [Satan], the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." People simply do not realize that there is an invisible spirit power injecting into their minds these hostile attitudes.
Even to professing Christians, these scriptures have been a mystery. Why?
This invisible spirit world (Col. 1:15-16) is very real but because it is invisible it has been a mystery. The fact that holy angels and evil spirits are invisible does not negate their existence. In truth the invisible spirit world is more real than the material and the visible. In fact, most people do not know what electricity is but are well aware of its reality. The Bible explains: "If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not" (II Cor. 4:3-4). Satan is the god of this world.
The time of UNDERSTANDING has come.


In 21st century Islam it is not acceptable to blame evil spirits for torture and murder

A few years ago on a flight from the UK to Pakistan, I happened to be sat next to a mother and her teenage daughter. During the eight hours’ journey I had been looking forward to getting some sleep, but as bad luck would have it the woman I was sitting with turned-out to be one of those talkative types you always end-up with when travelling alone.
Now, I can’t quite remember the details of our conversation, but it was mostly talk of her family and enquiries about the reason for my trip. What did remain in my mind in a bit more detail was something the mother said which made me sit-up and look at my co-passenger in a whole new light. Apparently, the woman claimed her daughter (who looked pretty ‘normal’ to me) had been put under a magic spell by her daughter-in-law.
It transpired the parents had taken the daughter out of the UK to go and live in Pakistan, to which she had apparently not adjusted well. Now her mother was blaming magic. But what was really disturbing for me was the matter-of-fact way this woman talked about magic spells as if it was the most natural thing in the world, like talking about a walk in the park. The only other piece of our interaction I recall is the smiling daughter offering me some bubble-gum.
I was reminded of that extra long plane journey when I read the story about a pregnant woman, Naila Mumtaz, who had been smothered to death in Birmingham. Her family had alleged in court the 21-year-old woman might have been killed by a jinn – or evil spirit – sent from Pakistan. She had come to the UK only a few years ago after entering into an arranged marriage. The day before her death in July 2009 Mrs Mumtaz reportedly called her parents in Pakistan and told them she was “not at peace” with her in-laws.
Recently four members of the Birmingham family were convicted of the murder, so it is probably safe to rule out a jinn as a suspect in the killing.
For those not familiar with them, jinns are supernatural creatures which are a part of Islamic belief – although for obvious reasons they are less frequently dissected in the media compared to terms like jihād and shariah. The Koran says jinn were created from “smokeless fire.”  It is a popular belief the jinns live in a kind of parallel world where they can see humans, although they remain invisible to us.  Yet I have spoken to a number of people who have claimed to have seen jinns or known someone who has (similar to claims of ghost sightings.) The UK edition of a leading Pakistani newspaper often carries advertisements by pirs or babas (faith-healers) who offer cures for magic spells.  Certainly belief in jinn possession and black magic has been around for centuries. However, such ideas have been challenged in recent times with rise in conservative Islam, along with more liberal strands of Islam, both of whom interestingly frown on such superstitious practises.
In Egypt earlier this year it was reported that an 18-year-old girl who cried tears of blood laid the blame on a tribe of 1,000 jinns touching her. In fact, there is a medical condition called haemolacria which causes a person to produce tears partly composed of blood. And in Saudi Arabia it was reported a couple living on the streets have blamed their poverty on a jinn. Apparently the man had lost his job on several occasions, and his wife also believed she was under a magic spell by another woman.  More serious are reports of individuals being chained-up to exorcise them of jinns.
Such superstitions have not just been restricted to ordinary people with poor schooling. A couple of years back it was reported by Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper that President Asif Ali Zardari has a black goat slaughtered almost every day at his home to ward off “evil eyes” and protect him from “black magic” – although his spokesperson later insisted it was only done for the “pleasure of God.”  And last year in neighbouring Iran, as part of a growing rift with the country’s supreme leader, several confidants of President Ahmadinejad were arrested and charged with being “magicians” and summoning jinns.
Looking at the big picture there are indications that younger generations of Muslims living in the West are less susceptible to believe the more outrageous claims about the supernatural which their elders may hold. Many instead try to opt for an approach to religion they perceive to be more in harmony with science. However, this doesn’t mean practising Muslims will stop believing in jinns, since they are specifically mentioned in the Koran, but certainly a more enlightened interpretation will stop more people from conjuring up these invisible beings in court cases or as excuses for marital problems.



The spirit Iblis is a Jinn, which are “mischievous” spirits of earth who reside in a universe parallel to the human world while maintaining the ability to interact in both realms [1]. The Jinn are mortal and powerful [2] spirits whose purpose is to tempt and possess (majnun) humans [3] by creating illusions (ghurur) that familiarize mankind with “the eternal fire” of hell [4]. The Jinn in their natural state are too horrific for mankind to see, they are highly intelligent, they can assume almost any form, and they can do almost anything [5]. There are many different kinds of Jinn: there are those which take on the appearance of the snake; those which fly – the winged Jinn; Jinn that are giants; insect-like Jinn; Jinn that inhabit dead bodies (zombies); and, Jinn that take on human form and, in-so-doing, have the capability of converting to Islam [6]. The Jinn live far longer than humans and the only way they can be detected is through their evil actions – deeds too atrocious for un-possessed humans to enact [7].
The Jinn are ruled by the one true God [8] who created them more than 25,000 years ago [9]. The Jinn were created from the “searing desert wind” – called Simoon – [10] and are subject to the same universal laws of Islam that mankind must adhere to; the Jinn are also sent prophets bearing God’s message [11]. However, 25,000 years ago the Jinn began to disobey God because they believed themselves to be self-righteous. For that reason, God sent his Angels to destroy them [12].

It was during this battle that Iblis was recognized from amongst the Jinn by God as “a worthy pupil.” Iblis was brought to heaven by God where he was instructed by the Angels, and, in turn, as he matured Iblis began preaching to the Angels. But, when God created Adam, Iblis refused to pay homage; and, therefore, God condemned Iblis to hell; however, God also granted Iblis “a stay of execution” until the final day of judgement.

At this time the Jinn regrouped on an island in the “Southern Ocean” and formed their own ‘nation’. Iblis left Heaven and rejoined them as their “king;” he had a second name: Azazil. Iblis's final day of reckoning will come, but until that day comes he reigns as king of the Satans ("shaytans”) who tempt mankind on earth [13].Although he is evil, Iblis is not the Lord of Evil; and, although fallen from Heaven, he is not a fallen Angel. Rather, Iblis is a "Satan" [14].


As the Bible says, evil spirits are active in astrology, some types of fortune-telling or soothsaying, mediums, the occult, etc.

Listen to the ads on TV and you will soon hear an invitation to call 
some real psychics for advice. Open most newspapers and you can 
easily find the astrology section. You may know someone who has 
played with a ouija board and received a chilling prediction. Evil 
spirits like to make the pointer on a ouija board move as they spell out 
answers to questions. Playing with Ouija boards, Tarrot cards, etc, seems
to open one up to demon possession. Maybe you even know someone who is a 
medium or practices witchcraft. Satan and his demons are real and they 
are very active today.

By the way, by Wayne Mckellips. Last updated 18 Oct 2010. 
Please copy and share but don't sell. You do not have 
permission to mirror this article or site on the Internet.

According to the Bible, angels and evil spirits are real. Satan, also 
called Lucifer, or the Devil, is the leader of the evil spirits. All 
evil spirits were originally good angels created by God. However, 
about a third of the angels chose to become evil. They decided to 
follow Lucifer, a very powerful angel, in a rebellion against God. 
Isaiah 14:12-15. Ezekiel 28:12-17. Luke 10:18. Revelation 12:3-9. 
Jude 6, 9. 2nd Peter 2:4.

Satan of course was powerless against God. 1st John 4:4. 
Matthew 28:18. He was thrown out of heaven. Satan is now the false 
God of this world. 2nd Corinthians 4:4. Most people on earth choose
to follow Satan to destruction instead of following God to eternal 
life. Matthew 7:13-14.

Ben Alexander, who is now a Christian, used to be a spiritualist 
medium. At one time, he thought he was receiving messages from the 
dead. He now knows the messages were from evil spirits the Bible 
calls familiar spirits. Familiar spirits are evil spirits who 
are familiar with the deceased. They easily imitate the dead. Ben's 
book "Out from Darkness" is available from College Press Box 1132 
Joplin MO 64802. His book was $9.99 plus postage and handling.

"Dorothy Story" # 1427 is the real story about a lady who became
involved in the occult. Evil spirits created disturbances in 
her house, and made appearances to some individuals. The spirits
tried to get her to kill herself. Dorthy practiced astral projection, 
telekinesis, automatic writing, etc. In time an evil spirit began to 
torment her. She received help when she cried to God for help. 
Finally she called upon Jesus to save her. 
Be careful of the movies you and your children see and the games they 
play. Some kids might become interested in witchcraft after watching or reading 
the Harry Potter movies or books or playing with Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic Cards. 
Rather then just banning them as evil, I favor discussing them with your kids 
and explaining why you are afraid of them. You don't want them to get 
involved with evil spirits via witchcraft, sorcerery, fortune-telling, etc.

Here are some scriptures on the occult:

Ephesians 6:12= As Christians our fight is not against humans but 
against powerful spiritual beings of evil.
2nd Corinthians 11:14-15= Satan and his angels can appear as angels 
of righteousness and light.
Matthew 7:21-23= Many who work miracles in God's name will not enter 
heaven. Why? Because they do not obey God.
Leviticus 20:6= God will separate himself from those who go after 
mediums and familiar spirits.
Leviticus 19:31= Stay away from mediums and familiar spirits.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12= practicing witchcraft, sorcerery, making spells, 
being a medium are all terrible sins to God.
Leviticus 20:27= In the (OT) Old Testament, mediums or those with 
familiar spirits were to be stoned. (Their called familiar spirits 
because these evil spirits are familiar with the dead. Thus they can 
imitate the dead.)
1st Samuel 28:3-25= King Saul asked the medium at En Dor to bring up 
the prophet Samuel who was dead.
1st Chronicles 10:13= One reason King Saul died was because he asked 
a medium for help. 
Isaiah 8:19= Seek God not mediums.
Isaiah 47:13-14= Astrologers and stargazers won't be able to save 
Daniel 2:27-28= God kept King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its 
interpretation secret from the King's astrologers, magicians or dream 
interpreters, and soothsayers. However, he revealed it to his 
prophet Daniel.
Acts 16:16-18= A girl was possessed by an evil spirit that enabled 
her to be a fortune-teller. Paul commanded the evil spirit to come 
out of her in the name or authority of Jesus. The evil fortune 
telling spirit left her.
Deuteronomy 4:19= Be careful that you don't worship the sun, moon, 
and stars. 
Deuteronomy 17:2-5= In the OT those who worshipped the sun, moon, or 
stars were to be stoned. 
Revelation 22:14-155= Sorcerers (strongs pharmakeia #5331) will not 
have access to the tree of life. Pharmakeia involves the use of drugs 
in making evil spells.
Revelation 21:8= Sorcerers (pharmakeia), etc., will end up in the 
lake of fire.
1st Samuel 15:23= Witchcraft is a sin like rebellion.
2nd Chronicles 33:6= King Manasseh angered God by practicing 
witchcraft, sorcery, using mediums, etc.
Exodus 22:18= In the OT a sorceress was to be executed.

Helpful scriptures for Christians to claim.

Matthew 28:18-20= Jesus has all power and He will always be with you.
1st John 4:4= Jesus, who is in you, is more powerful than Satan.
Romans 8:31= If God is on your side, don't worry about the enemy.
Romans 8:33-34= Those God has forgiven are forgiven!
Romans 8:35-39= No one and nothing can ever separate us from Jesus
and His love. 
1st John 1:7,9= Jesus's blood is powerful enough to wash us clean from 
every sin. Note: Trust God to keep his promises. Don't depend on your 
Psalm 23= The Lord is your shepherd. He is a good shepherd.
Hebrews 13:5= God will never leave you nor will He forsake you.
Hebrews 13:6= God is our helper so we don't need to fear men or what 
they can do to our physical bodies.  

Tuesday, 11 June 2013



Demons are spirits that act malevolently against human beings. The Bible makes repeated mention of evil spirits (Lev. 16: 10; I Sam. 16:14-16; Isa. 34:14), including satyrs and night demons, but does not provide a great deal of detail. More elaborate stories about demons appear during the Greco-Roman period.The existence of demons, while widely accepted, has always presented a theological difficulty. Since all things are ultimately the creation of the one God, the question of why should evil spirits exist has greatly exercised Jewish thought. Apocalyptic literature offers the first attempt to explain their existence in a monotheistic context by claiming demons are really fallen angels. Rabbinic literature provides the first extensive source for Jewish demonology, though the information is scattered though many sources. In it, several explanations for the existence of demons are offered. They are a creation of the twilight of the sixth day (Pirkei Avot 5.6). Abraham ibn Ezra described demons as a product of the interaction of sunlight with smoke and vapor which then clings to the body, causing illness (Sefer ha-Atzmim).
Demons cannot procreate on their own, so they used semen from Adam in order to make more of their own kind (B.T. Ervuin 18b; Zohar). An elaboration on this tradition is that Lilith, the first woman, having transformed herself into a witch-demon using the Tetragrammaton, takes the nocturnal emissions of men she seduces to procreate more demons (Alef-Bet ben Sira). In kabbalistic thought the demonic is a necessary part of creation, a product of the sitra achra, the "other side" of the divine emanations in the material universe.
Demons occupy an intermediate place between mortals and angels. According to Chagigah 16a, they resemble angels in three ways: They have wings, they can fly throughout the universe, and they hear what transpires in heaven. They also resemble mortals in that they procreate, eat, and die. They are always invisible, except under special conditions.
The malevolent effects of demons are many: they cause illness and death, especially for the vulnerable (children, women in childbirth); they trouble and deceive the mind, and cause contention in the community of mortals.
Tractate Berachot has perhaps the most information on demons of any part of the Talmud. There we learn that demons tend to dwell in the wilderness, in ruins, and in other places not by frequented by people (Isa. 13:21). It also describes a "diagnostic" ritual for detecting the presence of the demonic: Ashes spread around one's bed at nighttime will reveal demon tracks in the morning, and demons can be rendered visible by grinding up the ashes of a black cat's afterbirth and then sprinkle the powder in one's eyes.
The appearance of demons varies, but is always terrible. In keeping with Ancient Near Eastern beliefs about evil spirits, demons have bird talons for feet in addition to wings. At night, demons can appear in human form (Meg. 3a).
Demonic power waxes and wanes according to the time of day, the week, the seasons, meteorological conditions, topographical features, and other natural factors (Yalkut Chadash, Keshafim 56; Numbers R. 12:3; Pes. 3a-b, 112a; Shab. 67a). The informed can use this information to minimize their threat.
Around human habitations, they frequent rooftops, outhouses, and drainage gutters. Strangely, demonic forces are attracted to synagogues. The Angel of Death, for example, is said to keep his tools there. Stories of Sages doing night battles with demons in the synagogue appear in Jewish tales across time.
Prominent demons have names, usually derived from their particular power; Reshef, for example, means "pestilence." Some demons, likeSamael, have theophonic names, like angels. Occasionally demons can have surprisingly mundane names, like "Joseph." The name Lilith means either "air" (Akkadian) or "night" (Hebrew) and has its roots in Mesopotamian aerial spirits called "lilu."
Reciting certain psalms has an atropopaic effect against evil spirits (Pss. 29: 91; 121), as do other key verses of Scripture (Num. 7:4-6). Magical phrases have also been recorded to combat their malevolent effects (Pes. 100a; 112a). The bells on the skirt of the High Priest evidently drove them away. Drinking water only from white containers turns away night demons (Pesachim 3a). Bercahot 5a credits ritual objects such as mezuzahtefillin, and ritual fringes with warding off evil spirits. The Jews of Mesopotamia additionally protected their homes with Demon Bowls and Incantation Bowls. Temporary protection can be gotten through the use of magic circles. Amulets of near infinite variety have been created across Jewish history. Demons can be bribed with food or money, or frightened off with shofar blasts, unpleasant smells, or spitting. Guardian angels are the best defense, and are acquired every time one performs a mitzvah (Ex. R. 32).
Intriguingly, a mortal can work beneficently with demons, if one knows the rituals of power to control them. Asmodeus, the king of Demons, was co-opted by Solomon to good ends. Demons can be turned against other demons (Lev. R. 24). Sometimes the demon will do so willingly (Pes. 106a), but usually this involves controlling the demons magically and forcing the captured spirit to do the will of the adept. R. Eliezer of Metz (12th Century), permitted the use of demons in spells and amulets, writing, "Invoking the demons to do one's will is permitted" for what difference is there between invoking demons and angels?" At the same time, anything that smacks of demon veneration or worship, such as making offerings or burning incense to a demon, is expressly forbidden (Sanh. 65b).
Article copyright 2004 Geoffrey Dennis.


Means of guarding against evil spirits

It is difficult for a person to imagine how cruel and crafty the fallen spirits are, how tireless and inventive in their temptation of a man and in the sowing of every evil. But in this they are not able to arbitrarily cause evil to someone to the degree to which he is under the protection of the Almighty. Only when a person distances himself from God by a sinful way of life and plunges into the darkness of disbelief and the passions, does he fall into the sphere of influence of the fallen spirits, which enslave him. The unbelieving and sinners - this is that material, that army, which the devil uses for the spreading of temptations and evil in human society and maintaining his kingdom of darkness. His kingdom, similar to a raging sea, surrounds us on all sides and threatens our salvation.
In opposition to this, the Lord Jesus Christ created His Kingdom of light on earth - the Church, in which a believer finds a quiet island, a reliable refuge and defence from the evil spirits. In reality, one's very entry into the Church at the time of the Mystery of Baptism is already accompanied by special prayers of exorcism read by the priest over the person prepared for baptism: "Thou who in verity existeth, O Lord the Master … Do Thou, the same Lord, delivering also this Thy creature from the bondage of the enemy … receive him into Thy Heavenly Kingdom … Yoke unto his life a radiant Angel, who shall deliver him from every snare of the adversary, from encounter with evil, from the demon of the noonday, and from evil vision. Expel from him every evil and impure spirit which hideth and maketh its lair in his heart - the spirit of error, the spirit of guile, the spirit of idolatry and every concupiscence, the spirit of deceit and of every uncleanness, which operateth through the prompting of the devil. And make Thy servant a reason-endowed sheep of the holy flock of Thy Christ, an honourable member of Thy Church, a consecrated vessel, a child of the light, and an heir of Thy Kingdom "
Then, with immersion three times in water, the newly baptized is cleansed of the dirt of sin that gave the devil access to him and is clothed in the grace of God, like a vestment of light that covers him on all sides (1 Peter 2:9, Col. 1:12-13). From this moment, in a figurative likeness of the Savior, the new member of the Church enters into the enclosure of the flock, which He, the Good Shepherd, vigilantly protects from marauding wolves — the devil and other fallen spirits. The Savior said of this: "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand" (John 10:1-16, 28). Therefore, all that is necessary to one who has been baptized is to remain in the protection of the Lord. That is to run from sin and to preserve the received grace of the Holy Spirit.
But the devil, having lost access to the new member of the Church, begins to look around for new means by which to influence him again. He tries to achieve this by his usual weapon - by temptations. Of course a Christian receives from God all the necessary means to repulse temptations, but if he grows weak and begins to live a carnal life, if he sins, then the devil again gains entry to him and begins to enslave him with still greater cruelty. About this, our Lord Jesus Christ said: "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and put in order. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first" (Matt. 12:43-45). Warning about this danger, Holy Scripture calls us to be vigilant:"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" (1 Cor. 10:12). The Apostle Paul teaches that a Christian should consider himself a soldier of Christ, finding himself in the middle of a battle. "My brothers," he calls, "be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand" (Eph. 6:10-13).
The Lord Jesus Christ armed us with a number of means by which we attract to us the grace of God and repulse the evil spirits. To these belong, first of all, prayer and calling on the name of Christ. We are taught to ask our Heavenly Father daily: "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Many prayers, as, for example, the morning and evening prayers in our prayerbooks, ask for protection from the snares of the devil. At the end of this chapter, the reader will find a few special prayers against evil spirits. About the strength of His name, the Lord said: "In My Name shall they cast out devils" (Mark 16:17). Holy Scripture and the lives of the saints bring forth countless numbers of examples of the efficacy of the name of Christ in the expulsion of demons.
The experience of the Church over many centuries confirms that the demons are not able to withstand representations of the Cross and the sign of the Cross. These are for them like fire for insects. The Venerable Nikitas Stithatos says, on this theme, that the demons often disturb our spiritual organs of perception and rob us of our sleep, but a courageous soul can destroy their specters and put them to flight by making one life-creating sign of the Cross and appealing to the name of Christ (The Philokalia, vol. IV of the English edition, On the Practice of Virtues, text 97). And in a similar way St. John Chrysostom explains that it is not simply with fingers that one should make the sign of the Cross but with a heartfelt disposition and complete faith and that if one makes the sign of the Cross in that way, not a single unclean spirit can come close, seeing that sword by which he was injured and received a mortal wound. If we with trembling look at their places of punishment, we can imagine how terrified the demons are on seeing that weapon by which Christ destroyed all their power and cut off the head of the serpent. When the Cross is before us, the demons are not terrible and not dangerous (Homilies on the Gospels, part 2). The custom of wearing a cross next to the skin was adopted by Christians in the most ancient times.
Also, it is important to bless one's residence. Sometimes a home into which we have moved might have been defiled by the earlier occupants if they lived sinfully, blasphemed, enjoyed wild music and improper films, or were involved with the occult. Occasionally, evil spirits settle in living quarters in which murder or suicide occurred. In order to purify one's residence, it should be sprinkled with holy water during the reading of the appropriate prayers (see below), or, still better, a priest should be invited to bless it.
In general it is necessary to remember that sin attracts the demons. If, having sinned, we do not repent with all our heart, then this gives the demons entry to us. A sinful condition is like a tunnel through which they penetrate to our subconscious and affect us. Therefore, in order to be delivered from their influence, we must cleanse ourselves with sincere repentance and confession, after which we must with reverence take Holy Communion. Then, coming into us, the Lord, like an all-consuming fire, destroys any filth and cuts off access to us from the side of the spirits of darkness. It's good to train ourselves to commune regularly, at least once a month. Then we will continually carry within ourselves the fire of the grace of God. Christians of the early centuries took Communion every Sunday.

It is necessary to look at all these means that the Lord Jesus Christ gave us for salvation and for the attraction of His grace not as magic formulas but as conductors of God's mercy, given to us for the strengthening of faith and for confirming us in a virtuous life.-by Prashant Tandon


Keeping Evil Spirits Out of Your Home

This spell will keep evil and unhappy spirits out of and from following the person into their homes.

Red candle
Table salt

After nightfall when the sky is dark, light the red candle. Clear your mind of dark, unhappy thoughts or distractions and invoke your personal protection spirits.

Hold the lit candle at chest level and face East. Say the following: Spirits of the East of the Rising Sun I ask your help. Hear me as I ask for your protection.

Turn to the North Say the following: Spirits of the North of the Ice and Snow, I ask your help. Hear me as I ask for your protection.

Turn to the West, say the following: Spirits of the West, of the Setting Sun, I ask your help. Hear me ask as I ask for your protection.

Turn to the South, say the following: Spirits of the South of the warmth I ask your help. Hear me as I ask for your protection.

Face the doorway Say the following while sprinkling salt onto the flame of the candle:
As I gather the protection of the Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water, I ask that no Evil shall be allowed accross the boundries of this home. All who reside in it are begged to receive your protection. Goddess of the Moon here my plea for protection. Sprinkle more salt on the door frames, on the window sills. When you are done, hold the candle again at chest level, face the East: Thank you, Spirits of the East. Return to your homes with my gratitude for your help and protection. Face North Thank you Spirits of the North. Return to your homes with my gratitude for your help and protection. Face West Thank you Spirits of the West. Return to your homes with my gratuitude for your help and proctection. Face South Thank you Spirits of the South. Return to your homes with my gratitude for your help and protecion. Face the first door again : Thank you Goddess of the Moon. With your protection this house and all who live in it are safe from harm. No evil shall cross, no evil shall enter. Return to your home with my gratitude for your protection. Hold the candle up over your head, then down to the floor. Be sure to thank the Spirits and let them know you are finished. Spirits must know that they are done and are released to go back to their homes. Un-thanked Spirits may not want to go home right away, and can cause problems. ;)


What Are Evil Spirits?

Long before the Bible was translated and long before the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls people were aware that spirits existed.  They knew spirits could affect people, their health, their success or failure, their family and friends and how they perceived the world around them.

The Bible tells us that long ago there was an angel named Lucifer who was so bright he gave the morning star a run for its money.  In fact some called him The Morning Star.  There is some debate as to if he was actually brilliant to look at or if the term was relating to how smart he was.  Truth be known God bragged on him.  Who is like him?  Some say he was the Choir Master of Heaven.  Most do not understand the meaning of that term since angel songs are not like songs that humans sing.  The songs of angels are the sound of creation's engine.  So if this is the case Lucifer was in charge of some or many aspects of creation like a foreman in God's factory.  If so he knows how things are made and what makes them tick.
Angels are creations of God as is everything but their purpose is to help create and maintain that creation.  Lower levels of angels simply function without thought very much like a factory robot running a program.  Some of us see no real intelligence in them at all.  The sun burns and warms the earth, big deal.  It was created in a certain way and provides key elements to life as we understand it.  Enoch described the angels of the sun as being like massive beasts that stand miles high.  They are angels and they can also be explained by science.  Without these angels we wouldn't exist.  The earth would be a frozen empty waste land.

Limestone rocks used to be living things on the bottom of the sea floor.  They live, they die they get compressed by more dead things and presto they become stone.  Big deal right?  Well the truth is they were once literally billions of living things.  Stones made up from dead once living things have a certain kind of energy signature that things formed from non living things do not have.  This energy signature contained a program that is recognized by God long after the death of the animal.  Humans are the same and even our memories of our soul are recorded within our spiritual life force or spirit.

Great piles of dead dinosaurs buried deep within the earth turned into oil some how.  We call things made from that goo petroleum products.  From petroleum jelly to the fuel we put into our vehicles most people use some form of petroleum products every day.

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Evil spirits and their names

Boopa; is a spirit which causes men of God to fail,fall,die,end ministry or collapse church
Luke 14:18-20 and the bible say they began to make excuses with one accord.

Santa: is a spirit which prevents people from ideas visions, plans, for you and also prevent good things from you.

Nee-nee: is the spirit that causes people to have HIV/AIDS and also fight them from been healed or incurable, but God almighty through Jesus Christ will cure you, amen.

Shapo: is a spirit of irritation and evil burning sensation in the bodies of people.

PAASA: is a spirit that causes females to go into prostitutions.

MATATA: is a spirit that causes confusion and strike disaster.

TAATA: is a spirit that causes sicknesses in human beings.

Eme:baby or children witches

Viper: is a wicked spirit, spirit of blood sucking, it also imports evil minds into people.

Esmanaa-: is a spirit which causes blood into the sea and hurts human beings into the sea also serve as agents of the queen of the coast

Abertaa--: causes people to have low inferiority complex, see yourself low and small, despise, look down upon yourself, it also causes a limitations(prevent you from going forward) in life.

SHEE--: is a spirit that causes ethnic conflict or tribal wars.

SHABO--: is a spirit that which causes people to enter into sexy dancing. etc

FAMILIER SPIRIT--: is an agent of the devil who is in your family.
MAMMON SPIRIT--: is a spirit which prevents you from becoming rich, makes you misuse money, and also makes people misers, makes you use money wrongly, makes your money to be stolen, makes you selfish to give and causes poverty as well.

MARINE SPIRIT--: it is a spirit that destroys marriages, marry people by so doing prevent them from marrying and giving birth, it also have sex with people in their dreams, it tempt men of God, makes people speak lustful words. Also causes unmarried people to watch pornography.

ABCON--: is the spirit against work, makes work not to be work, blocks customers and sales of goods and services, makes people lazy to work, will not allow you to make profit in business,will give you bad customers,cover your goods and stores with spider webs from the public.

ADAADA---: is a spirit that causes misunderstanding between friends ,brothers and sisters ,husbands and wifes etc

APATOO--: is a spirit which rises against churches, it also drives members aways, it breaks churches, set confusion and quarrying in churches.

EMAASS--: it is a spirit which controls secret society or occults.

EASI --: is a spirit that controls alcoholism, it makes people drink excessive alcohol to drive them.

ABOYO---: Does a spirit that causes confusion on oneself, not know what to do.

BOOBO--: Is a spirit that brings fear to people and makes them fail always.

YAALO--: It is a monitoring spirit on Christian with a spiritual garget such as scanning, videoing, and recording.

AMODI--: it is a spirit that causes sorrow in people and crying in dreams.

NIMADI--: it is a spirit of rejection, unfavour, no good will be extended to you.

NIMODE--: it is a spirit that prevents people to stay in one marriage, church, or stay success in one thing.