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Tuesday, 30 July 2013


when evil spirit enter your body

What To Do If You Have Proof That An Evil Spirit Is Living In Your Body.

Demonic spirits can influence human behaviors, possess our body, and our mind. Some take up residency in certain part of the body. Demons only possess special people. A person that has great calling upon their lives, and turn them in the reverse of what they were born to accomplishes. Demons do not have bodies. At one time in pr-history they did. Satan has a body. A body like what Jesus has after his resurrection. Our problem why demons get the better of us is “lack of Knowledge,” Many Christians do not know the Holy Spirit, as they seem to be. Listen to them: “Pastor! Bro Clive got filled with the Holy Ghost last night and he foamed from his mouth sir, he foamed” Once the person start foaming at the mouth this is definitely demons activities.


As soon as you found out that an evil spirit invaded your body, ask the spirit to leave your body or your mind in the name of Jesus Christ. It will be a fight, the spirit will go and come again always trying to take up refuges in your body. Nevertheless, you have to resist him, always telling him to go in the Name of Jesus. You might need help, from a minister of religion. Wearing crosses or spiritual emblems will not help. You will need to ask the lord Jesus to come into your heart, as long as he is in there the devil and his demons will have no power over you. It takes me four years, to get free from evil spirits. Not because the Lord set you free, that does not mean that evil spirit is going to stop challenging you. They will always coming back to test your metal. You must know about them, and reach the place where you are not afraid of them anymore.

“Cry out,” “he dashes him,” “bruising him,”,“Foamed.” Does this look like anything you have seen in church.

Mar 9:17 And one of the crowd answered and said, Teacher, I have brought my son who has a dumb spirit to You. Mar 9:18 And wherever he seizes him, he dashes him. And he foams and gnashes his teeth and pines away. And I spoke to Your disciples that they should cast him out, and they could not.

Luk 9:39 And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foamed again, and bruising him hardly departed from him. Luk 9:40 And I besought thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not.

One of my teachers told me that he was on a fasting. During the fasting, he heard a voice spoke to him. This voice he assumed to be the Holy Spirit. The voice told him to go and pick up all the trash in the yard. His father saw him walking and picking up trash all day and asks him why. He told his father what happen. His father told him it is a demon spoken to him. Another Christian that was possessed told me that she was home on her bed when the Holy Ghost told her to rip up her bible and trash it. She doubts the voice, and refused. From that day on the demons start to attack her. When she came to Church, I rebuked the demon. The whole church rose up and throws me out, for rebuking the Holy Ghost. That was when the girl told me that she know me my rebuke was correct. In fact, she went out of the church along with me.

However: How do you know that an evil spirit is living in your body? What make you arrived at such a conclusion? You heard voices talking to you! Is the voice coming from inside your body, inside you head, or does the voice coming from outside, but it is only you hearing it? What is the voice saying to you? This is important. Does the voice hold a conversation with you? What is the voice telling you to do? Do you want to do the things the voice is telling you to do? The things the voice telling you to do, is it illegal? What the voice telling you to do is contrary to the teaching of scriptures, as far as you, knowledge can tell you?

For example: The voices told some people to kill themselves, or to kill others. Voices told some people to commit some barbaric sex act, with children, beasts are in any way they can. Is this what the voice telling you to do? Can you hear the voice verbally, inside of your body or outside? Does the information only pop up in your head? Do you converse with the voice? If no, why not? Did you ask the voice what he she wants with you? If you are a Christians, is the voice telling you that you are not save, or that you are being possessed with a demon?

Hearing voices can have a physical cause, such as problem in your endocrine system. Too much vitamins and minerals cause me to have bad dreams. Some medication or illegal substance cause people to hears and see thing that are not there. Are you on any form of medication?

When an evil spirit is trying to gain access to person’s body. The evil spirit first tries to gain access to the person mind. If those demons can get you to believe that, he is already in your body. Getting into your body is easy from that point on.

Demonic spirits does not want anyone to know that he is in his or her body. Demonic spirit wants you to think that you are having a compulsion, a habit, or a disorder.

You must only have one spirit in your body, and that is the spirit you were born with. This is called the “Human spirit” This is where demonic spirit got Christians. Christians think the in filling of the Holy Ghost. Mean that the Holy Ghost penetrates their body and comes in, and is inside their body like how a baby is in a woman’s body. Paul said the believers are in his heart. In addition, he is filled with their presence. Does this mean that every single believer is in the body of the apostle Paul?

The so-called doctrine of interpenetration, that is, persons entering physical into each other, is false. The Bible does speak of the Corinthians and Philippians being in Paul's heart (2 Cor. 7:3; Phil. 1:7); God being in Christ (2 Cor. 5:19); Christ being in God (John 14:20); God and Christ being in each other (John 14:10-11); men being in both the Father and the Son (1 John 2:24); men being in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17); men and the Spirit being in each other (Romans 8:9); Christ being in men (Col. 1:27; Romans 8:10); man and Christ being in each other (John 14:20); all creation being in God (Acts 17:28); and Satan entering into men (Luke 22:3; John 13:27). However, these passages refer to being in union with, being consecrated to the same end—one in mind, purpose, and life. They do not teach physical entrance of one being into another. It may be best understood by a man and woman becoming one in life together, being in each other's plans, life, etc. Hence, Satan entering into Judas simply means Judas submitted to Satan's temptation to betray Jesus. He became one with Satan, like men become one in spirit with God when joined to Him in consecration (1 Cor. 6:17).

The demons robbed the person of all peace of mind. The demons robbed the person of all joy. Sometime these people accomplished great thing, and are given many blessing in which they should be happy, but are not. The demons give them compulsions that are beyond normal. Rich people that have million in the bank are stealing buttons from clothing in stores. People that can buy the stores several time over. No demons possess person have a genuine love. They only sound nice and act nice. Demon possess people have a hate in them that made your skin crawl, and this is natural to them. These have no natural affection.

Php 4:7 And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

1Jn 4:20 If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For if he does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

If your child can cut a rat, a lizard or skin a cat with ease, and suffer no remorse after, the child is being possessed.

Mark 9:21 (KJV) And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child.

Mat 8:31 And the demons begged Him, saying, If You cast us out, allow us to go away into the herd of swine.

Parents need to be careful who they let baby sit their children. If the people you leave the children with are being possessed, so will your child.

If the person can cut themselves with knives just to feel good, the person is poses. There is a certain man in the bible that was poses with evil spirit. This man cut himself as demons power possessed him.

Mark 5:5 (KJV) And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.

If the person is good today, and for no reason tomorrow the person is turned into another person, the person is being possessed. Demonic spirit sometime uses the body like a house.

Luke 11:24 (KJV) When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walked through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.
Ten Facts about Demons (Luke 11:24-26):

1.They are unclean (Luke 11:24). 2. They can go out and come into the bodies of men (Luke 11:24-26). 3. They can walk (Luke 11:24). 4. They seek comfort (Luke 11:24). 5. They can talk (Luke 11:24). 6. They make decisions (Luke 11:24). 7. They distinguish between different places (Luke 11:24-26). 8. They seek fellowship and company with each other (Luke 11:26). 9. They are wicked (Luke 11:26). 10. They seek control of men (Luke 11:24-26).

A un-call for hate. A hate without reasons. Especially for a good person is demons possession. Hate, resentment, and rejection without tangible reasons is demons possession. Prejudice! Nobody can be really prejudice natural. You and I can hate a person that we know to be no good. However, to see a person for the first time and hate base on race is not natural. Watch this! This is more natural, for a person who has not know Jesus, but for a person to know Jesus as lord, and is bigot. What did the blood of Jesus done for such a person?

1 Kings 13: (KJV) Now there dwelt an old prophet in Bethel; and his sons came and told him all the works that the man of God had done that day in Bethel: the words which he had spoken unto the king, them they told also to their father.

Demonic influence is worst than possession. With “Demonic influence,” The person is not being possessed, but demonic spirits have access to his or her mind. The spirit can get the person to do are say whatsoever comes to their mind even without thinking about it or feeling remorse for it. This made the person very unpredictable; you and I will never know when that person is going to become a hulk.

If the voice is trying to get you to say and do things. Do not do it. It will be a compelling voice, trying to take over your will.. Speak back to the voice. Memorized scriptures verses and quote them back at the voice. You must know if it is a voice you are hearing or it is a feeling you are having. You must rebuke the voice in Jesus name. You and I cannot prevent Satanic and demonic suggestions from coming into our mind, but we can fight it to the point, where it has no effect over us anymore. It is like racism, it reaches a point where name calling and defaming, does not hurt my feeling any more.

James 4:7 (KJV) Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Both Satan and his demons do not do stand up well in the face of resistance. If you resist them, they flee from you.

Having a sex urges is not demonic. Masturbation is not. God creates us to propagate our kind. It is natural to want to have sex and having sex. When self righteous Christians that does not understand the basic principles of salvation. Having sex out of marriage, and especially if it was good, they think demons have something to do with it. In addition, some even went into depressions. If it was good, they keep going back for more and think that Satan bound them.


These are the hardest demons to detect. Because the demons fooled them into believing it is the Holy Ghost in their belly. When some of them got deliverance, they vomit up the demons. When these demons turns up in revival services. For all the crying and screaming that you heard, if you are really listening, you will see that it is not a rejoicing, but a capture. The demons are capturing unstable souls, throwing them down on the floor, and are initializing them.


You need to know that since the day of Pentecost, a believer does not need to tarry for the Holy Spirit. “Tarry” Mean to wait. You already have the Holy Ghost. Anything else that you need to get from God. You will get it when the Holy Spirit wills it. You do not need to fake any gift of the spirit. As long as you have a fake gift of the spirit using, you are only preventing the genuine gift from materialize in your life. Do not run to every altar to have people lay hands of you to receive the spirit. I remember went to an altar and get hands lay on me. I was like mad man on my way home. I have to go home and do battle with what the person put on me.

The demons robbed the person of all peace of mind. The demons robbed the person of all joy. Sometime these people accomplished great thing, and are given many blessing in which they should be happy, but are not. The demons give them compulsions that are beyond normal. Rich people that have million in the bank are stealing buttons from clothing in stores. People that can buy the stores several time over. No demons possess person have a genuine love. They only sound nice and act nice. Demon possess people have a hate in them that made your skin crawl, and this is natural to them. These have no natural affection.

Supposed conviction of sin by deceiving spirits. By Jesse Pen- Lewis, in the book title” War On The Saints” " I united with a number of brethren and sisters one whole week every month, in prayer to God to pour out more of His Spirit, gifts and power. After having done this for some time with great earnestness, such powerful and wonderful manifestations of God and His Holy Spirit (apparently) took place that we no longer doubted God had heard our prayer, and His Spirit had descended into our midst, and on our gathering. Amongst other things this spirit, which we thought to be the Holy Spirit, used a fifteen-year-old girl as his instrument, though whom everyone belonging to our gathering, and having any sin or burden of conscience, had it revealed to the gathering. Nobody could remain in the meeting with any burden of conscience without it being revealed to the meeting by this spirit. For example: a gentleman of esteem and respect from the neighborhood came to the meeting, and all his sins were exposed in the presence of the gathering by the fifteen-year-old girl. There upon he took me into an adjoining room, so broken down, and admitted to me, with tears, that he had committed all these sins, which the girl had exposed. He confessed this and all other sin known to him.

Then he came again into the meeting, but hardly had he entered when the same voice said to him" Ha! you have not confessed all yet, you have stolen ten gulden, that you have not confessed" in consequence, he took me again into the adjoining room and said" It is true, I have also done this" This man had never seen this fifteen-year-old girl in his life, neither she him.---We had to unmask this spirit which had brought about these things-which we took to be the Holy Ghost as a terrible power of darkness.-- As we came downstairs the voice of this power said, using the fifteen-year old girl as his instrument" What is this rebellion in your midst? You will be sorely punished for your unbelief" I told this voice that it was true we did not know with whom we had dealing. But we wanted to be in that attitude, that if it was an angel of God, or the Spirit of God, we would not sin against Him, but if it was a devil we would not be deceived by him'' if you are the power of God, you will be in accord as we handle the Word of God.-- Then the power had to reveal itself of its own accord. Through the person which he had been using as his instrument he made such abominable and terrible grimaces, and shrieked in such a piercing tone'' Now I am found out, now I am found out"

In The book “War On The Saints, by Jessie Penn-Lewis. Page 149-150. 1-3 The agency of demons is always brought more conspicuously into notice, in proportion to the manifestation and power of God’s work among souls. When the son of God was manifest in the flesh, in called forth the activity and outspoken agency of demons more than ever before.

Demons are of a multiplied variety. They are of various types, greater in diversity than human being, and these demons always seek to possess a person congenial to them in some characteristic. The bible tells us of unclean demons, with craft and fortune-telling demons, of insanity, of drunkenness, of gluttony, of idleness, of wonder or miracle working, of despotic demons, theological demons, screeching and yelling demons. There are demons that act more particularly on the body, or some organ or appetite of the body. There are others that act more directly upon the intellect, or the sensibilities, and emotions, and affections.

There are others of a higher order that act directly on man’s spiritual nature, upon the conscience, or the spiritual perceptions. These are the ones that act as angels of light, and side-track and delude many who are real Christians.


They seek out those whose make-up and temperament is most congenial to themselves, and then seek to fasten themselves on some part of the body, or brain, or some appetites, Or some faculty of the mind, either the reason, or imagination, or perception; and when they get access, they bury themselves into the very structure of the person, so as to identify themselves with the personality of the one they possess.

“A very holy and useful woman says, that soon after receiving the baptism of the Spirit, there came to her one night in the church, a wild abnormal impulse to throw the hymn-book at the preacher, and run over the church screaming; and it took all her will power to keep her hand from throwing that book, but she had common sense to know that the Holy Spirit was not the author of such a suggestion. If she had yielded to those sudden feelings, it would have likely given that fanatical demon admission to her emotional nature and ruined her life-work.

Another person said he felt like rolling on the floor, and groaning and pulling the chairs around, but he distinctly perceived that the impulse to do so had some things wild in it; and a touch of self-display contrary to the gentleness and sweetness of Jesus; and, as quick as he saw it was an attack of a false spirit, he was delivered. But another man had the same impulse, and fell down groaning and roaring, beating the floor with his hands and feet, and the demon entered into him as the angel of light, and got him to think that his conduct was of the Holy Ghost, and it became a regular habit in the meetings he attended, until he would ruin every religious meeting he was in.


Some young people at one time say" We want Jesus but we do not want the Holy Ghost. The reason for this is the way so call Christians behave when the received the demonic spirit posing to be the Holy Spirit. They behave so bad that it turned off the younger generation. One unsaved man said" Since sister B and Sister C receive the Holy Ghost they are as stupid as ever" "They are outside roiling and the grass and are speaking in tongues" At the same time, the church people failed to see that Satan came in among them and take possessions of the two young girls and are posing to be the Holy Spirit.

1 Jo 4:1 Beloved, believes not every spirit, but tries the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Soldiers win battles but are not the ones that win the war; the spies on the inside win the war. Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall on account of spies’ activities. The apostle Paul told the Christians that after his death, wolves(a word used to describe fake ministers) will enter in among them. Acts 20:29 (NASB) "I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; Acts 20:30 (NASB) and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them. Acts 20:31 (NASB) "Therefore be on the alert, remembering that night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish each one with tears.

Monday, 29 July 2013



I have found these 100 ghost rules on a web site celebrating the 100th episode of Ghost Whisperer. I thought it will make a great topic to comment on. You may be able to give some of your own examples confirming a rule, and on the other hand you may dismiss a rule. With a 100 rules there could be plenty to discus.

1. Ghost whisperers like Melinda Gordon can see and communicate with earthbound spirits. They help them with unfinished business before crossing them into the light, and give closure to loved ones left behind.
2. A ghost can materialize anywhere he or she wants by concentrating on where it wants to be.
3. Ghosts cannot pick up things. Under duress, in an emotionally charged situation, or in a group they can move things.
4. Ghosts can affect the temperature of small areas, creating hot spots or cold spots. A good indicator is when the thermostat in a room quickly drops for no reason.
5. Ghosts can affect electrical currents, i.e. computers, lights, phones and other household electrical devices.
6. Most children when they are very young can see ghosts.
7. Most earthbound spirits appear wearing the clothes they were wearing when they died.
8. Ghosts may manipulate objects that were on their person when they died, but the objects are insubstantial and can't be shared with the living. (There are exceptions like Homer the ghost dog's ball).
9. Ghosts go into the Light shortly after their issues are resolved.
10. Ghosts do not cast shadows -- unless they are a 'shadow' from the world of the dead.
11. Ghosts can see other ghosts.
12. Most ghosts, like vampires, are not reflected in mirrors or windows. (Ghosts like Bloody Mary are an exception because their aura is tied to reflections.)
13. Ghosts can touch each other.
14. Ghosts have the ability to pass through solid objects.
15. New spirits are on a learning curve with their ghost powers.
16. Ghosts can attend their own funerals and many do!
17. Ghosts can inflict physical harm on the living without realizing they are doing so.
18. Ghosts can feel the thoughts of the living.
19. To recharge, spirits feed off the energy of the living. Ghosts can recharge their energy by creating chaos with the living.
20. Ghosts can visit and communicate with you in your dreams.
21. Ghosts can be sneaky and elusive, appearing out of the corner of your eye.
22. In the world of the living, a ghost can create an "apport," which is a physical manifestation of something with symbolic significance to the ghost.
23. Ghosts who stay earthbound are normally scared and confused.
24. A person's ghost arises at the location where they died.
25. Ghosts can appear with the wounds and physical manifestations of their death -- although they are not always aware of their deathly appearance.
26. Melinda, and others like her, can filter out the voices of the many ghosts who surround them and focus on the most important ghost by listening with their hearts.
27. Ghost listeners are people like Eli James who can hear earthbound spirits but cannot see them.
28. Initially, a spirit's appearance can be distorted, even scary. Once they start to interact with the living, they begin to look more like they did when alive.
29. Ghosts do not always retain memories from their experiences in the world of the living.
30. "Guardians" are spirits responsible for bringing babies to the Light when they do not have someone to meet them.
31. Ghosts often stay earthbound in order to help a grieving loved one heal and move on with his or her life.
32. Because of the resentment an earthbound spirit feels about his/her tragic death, the spirit can wreak havoc on the living.
33. When a person commits suicide, his/her spirit can be stuck between the worlds of the living and the dead.
34. Ghosts can force visions of their death onto the living. If those memories are extremely violent, the person's life can be jeopardized.
35. Ghosts have no sense of time.
36. Out of body experiences occur when a person flat-lines and is resuscitated.
37. Earthbound spirits of children tend to hang out in groups. Adult ghosts typically do not.
38. Spirits can group together for a common purpose and use the strength of their numbers to interact more powerfully with the world of the living.
39. When an extremely large group of souls crosses over together, it is possible for the living to see the Light.
40. Light spirits protect souls and help them cross over. Dark spirits are evil and collect souls to keep them earthbound.
41. If a dark spirit takes the soul of a light spirit, the dark spirit becomes invincible.
42. A child ghost will often remain earthbound waiting or searching for its parents.
43. When a soul crosses over into the Light, the handicaps it had in life are gone. Every soul is perfect.
44. A ghost who experienced a violent death may relive that experience while trapped as an earthbound spirit.
45. Ghosts can use infrasound, a frequency that's so low we can't hear it, to make their presence felt.
46. Ghosts are often confused about the way they died, blaming the wrong people for their death.
47. When a person is brain dead and on life support, their soul is outside the body, but still tethered to it.
48. Souls are assigned new bodies when they are reincarnated.
49. Ghosts exhaust their powers when they act aggressively.
50. A walk-in can only occur to a corpse if the spirit originally inhabiting the body abandons it.

51. Spirits choose to manifest, you can't make them do it.
52. Dark spirits can manipulate the recently departed to stay earthbound.
53. People who die, even for a short time, and see the Light, always come back changed.
54. Dark spirits feed on negative emotions (anger, hate, jealousy).
55. Spirits can be visible in photographs because cameras detect a broader spectrum of energy than the human eye.
56. Ghost visits can be triggered by a birth, death, or special holiday.
57. Ghosts may appear as a younger version of themselves.
58. Sometimes a ghost doesn't initially realize he/she is dead.
59. The power of love is often strong enough to save even an angry, vengeful earthbound spirit.
60. Animal spirits can be earthbound.
61. Animals (particularly dogs) can sense the presence of a ghost.
62. Ghosts can appear under water.
63. Ghosts can create visions for empaths.
64. A ghost needs the living to help it sort out the mystery of his/her death.
65. A ghost can manifest in strange and unexpected places, like dollhouses, if that's where its unfinished business is.
66. As ghost's memories begin to return, many times recollections come in waves.
67. In the case of twins, when one is living and the other's dead, the ghost twin tries to reconnect with the living twin through thoughts or shared memories.
68. Beware of ghost stories like Bloody Mary, because sometimes, they can conjure up ghosts.
69. There is no limit on how long a spirit can be earthbound.
70. Spirits do exist in the Underworld.
71. In the ghost world, love never dies.
72. If a ghost dies naked, it remains naked when intersecting with the living.
73. If a person is passionate about music, in death, the ghost keeps the music alive.
74. There is a unique group of ghosts from the spirit world that connects with children -- they are known as 'Shinnies’'.
75. An earthbound spirit can look as robust as the living.
76. Ghosts can possess the living to do 'automatic writing' which helps get their messages across.
77. Ghosts can communicate through Electronic Voice Phenomena -- known as 'white noise'.
78. Ghosts can remain earthbound until they take revenge on the living.
79. Not every earthbound ghost is destined to cross into the Light -- some are sucked to the Dark Side.
80. Ghosts can fear other ghosts.
81. Ghosts can appear as auras, a subtle, pervasive atmosphere seen emanating from an object or place.
82. Ouija boards can create unexpected and unwanted ghost activity.
83. A ghost can make the inhabitants of a house it is haunting feel weak and sick.
84. The living can hear noisy ghosts.
85. A ghost can attach itself to a living person whom it believes it will have a future connection through reincarnation.
86. Ghosts can follow their passion even in death.
87. Ghost children remain banded together if they perished together.
88. Ghost visions can transport the empathic to strange and unusual places.
89. Ghosts can reunite the living with long lost relatives.
90. Ghosts become restless if their bodies are not laid to rest in accordance with their desires.
91. A birth in the world of the living can cause a spirit in the world of the dead to become active.
92. Ghosts play practical jokes on the living.
93. If a ghost experienced addiction while alive, it can conjure up those symptoms when haunting a person.
94. Ghosts cannot take the living into the Light.
95. Ghosts can mistakenly haunt the wrong house or the wrong person without being aware of it.
96. Ghosts have no sense of time.
97. An earthbound spirit of a child may follow a living child home to play.
98. Some earthbound spirits will attach themselves to their belongings, including a favorite charm or piece of jewelry.
99. Earthbound spirits get a lot of energy from crowds of people, i.e. hospitals, police precincts, and malls.
100. Ghosts typically do not hang around cemeteries because there is very little living energy there.

Friday, 26 July 2013


Ghost Stories from Scotland's Clyde ValleY

I researched these stories during 1986 and 87, while working for the Clyde Valley Tourist Board in south central Scotland. The Clyde Valley Tourist Board, now joined with the Greater Glasgow Tourist Board, covered the local administrative districts of Hamilton, Motherwell and Clydesdale and that it where these stories originate from.

The River Clyde rises in the south of Lanarkshire, near the former mining village of Leadhills, and flows past the World Heritage village of New Lanark. It continues through the fruitful Clyde Valley, famous for its tomatoes and soft fruit, flows between the towns of Hamilton and Motherwell and continues into the City of Glasgow and on to the sea at Greenock.
Thanks are due to all who shared their stories and experiences. I would like to personally thank Scott Armstrong, then manager of the Clyde Valley Tourist Board, who had the idea of turning these stories into a "ghost tour". These tours received a great deal of publicity at the time and set the seal of authenticity on the tales The booklet that was typed up by the Board's secretary, Sheila McMorran (my thanks to her also), not only sold well in our Tourist Information centres, but was also partially responsible for getting me my current job in Walt Disney Imagineering. For this, much thanks!

Finally, thanks go to Terry Primrose of Alveston Graphics, Strathaven, who produced his delightful illustrations of the ghosts for the original booklet, and which are reproduced here.

Dalzell House and its Shades of Many Colours

The Green Lady

''A long time ago, a lonely lady lived in luxurious seclusion pining for a lost love. She spent her days among silks and satins, sighing softly as she sat before her mirror, her pale sad face gazing into its glassy depths. One day, as she stared unseeing, a cool breeze from the open window made her shiver. She pulled her robe closer around her shoulders, the pale green Chinese silk rustling and shimmering in the wan sunlight. Desolation swept over her and she glanced yet again at the small dark bottle that nestled innocently among the elegant perfume flasks on her dresser. She reached out with trembling fingers, the sleeve of her robe brushing against one of the tall flasks. It fell unnoticed to the floor, the heady scent of oriental perfume filling the air as she raised the tiny bottle to her lips…"

Is this the solution to the mystery of the Green Lady of Dalzell House? Did she commit suicide? Perhaps she was murdered? Those who have encountered her have yet to discover her secret. And there have been many, among them a terrified schoolboy who babbled about 'a green lady with bloodshot eyes' floating towards him out of the paneling in the Pipers' Gallery. Then there were the security guards who saw flashing lights, and heard the floorboards creak and the sound of footsteps. Their dogs barked into seemingly empty rooms and refused to cross the threshold. But one thing is sure… the Green Lady's bedroom fills with the scent of a heady oriental perfume.

The White Lady

The very sight of Dalzell House, now within the grounds of Dalzell Country Park, Motherwell, almost guarantees at least one ghostly inhabitant. The oldest part, the central peel tower, was built in the 15th century and it has 17th and 19th century additions. Until 1952, it was the seat of the Hamiltons of Dalzell, ans as such had a turbulent and colourful history. During the persecution of Scottish Presbyterians - the Covenanters - in the 17th century, the grounds of Dalzell House provided a safe shelter for 'conventicles', open-air religious services. The Hamiltons were sympathetic to the Covenanters' cause, and a huge oak about 50 metres from the house (see photo) is known as the Covenanters' Oak. It is thought that, even at the time when it was spreading its protective branches over the Covenanting minister and his flock, it was already over 500 years old. Less than a century later it was to witness Bonnie Prince Charlie's army in retreat from Derby in 1745, looting the parish as it passed through.

Dalzell House and the Covenanters' Oak

It was during the 19th century that Dalzell House became a truly stately home, in keeping with the social status of the Hamilton family at that time. Royal visits were frequent, and shooting and fishing parties were the order of the day. This is the period that the White Lady is thought to come from - a serving girl or housemaid who, abandonned by her lover, and finding herself 'in the family way', threw herself off the battlements into the rocky gorge of the Whinney Burn. Perhaps some aristocratic conscience was pricked by her desperate act.

The Grey Lady

The Great War of 1914-18 brought a change to the house. The North wing was converted into a military hospital and was soon filled with convalescing soldiers. The House's third ghost, 'The Grey Lady of the Dalzells', haunts this wing, her grey appearance being the grey uniform of the army nurses of the time.

So the three ladies of Dalzell retain their secrets and, now that the hosue is now longer open to the public, they will probably continue to do so. But, if you should be in the grounds, listen for the sound of mocking ghostly laughter.

Oscar, the Phantom of the Cinema

The New Century Theatre, 1903
The Rex Cinema, latterly a snooker club, in Motherwell's Windmillhill Street, was built in 1936. The building incorporated part of the New Century Theatre (pictured in 1903) and some of the Theatre's scenery remained within the new premises. Many theatres are thought to be haunted and the New Century was no exception. It was when the theatre became a cinema that the nickname for the ghost was coined - he became known as 'Oscar'.

He never revealed his reason for haunting the cinema, though some say that a man committed suicide by jumping from the balcony into the stalls (a tragedy actually documented for another Motherwell theatre, the Old Music Hall). However, Oscar made the atmosphere sufficiently spooky that the theatre management couldn't retain usherettes.

Oscar seems to have recognised his cue - he abandonned the building when it was turned into a snooker hall.

"Old Davy" Livingstone

The David Livingstone Centre, in the Lanarkshire village of Blantyre, commemorates the birthplace of one of the area's most famous sons, David Livingstone. Doctor and missionary to Africa, David Livingstone started life in Blantyre's 18th century mill buildings. He later worked in the mill, educating himself by reading as he worked on the looms.

The Livingstone Centre, Blantyrd

The phantom has never been seen, but the Centre's staff reckon that "Old Davy" is still around and has turned into a kleptomaniac. Items disappear for months, only to turn up eventually in the exact spot from which they disappeared.

Willie Primrose, The Ghost in Ladies' Lingerie

Many a ghost has had several sightings. Much fewer have a logical and satisfactory explanation. Very few actually have a name. Willie Primrose has all three, AND has the distinction of appearing in the Clyde Valley's most unusual location - a ladies' lingerie factory!

Willie was a general handyman and labourer at the Wishaw factory in the 1930s, and he liked a drink. In fact, it's thought that perhaps he'd had one or two too many on the Friday when young Jimmy, closing up the factory for the weekend, accidentally locked Willie in the boiler-room.

Willie's body wasn't found until the factory opened on Monday morning and, from that moment, strange things started to happen. Willie found a way to make machinery work even with the power switched off. He also seemed to enjoy riding up and down in the lift, which sometime seemed to be working on its own, even though the only method of operating it was from the inside with the door shut. He teased the canteen staff by switching the lights off and on, and terrified a night-watchman, an ex-Royal Marine Commando, who was found after his first night of employment sitting on the factory's front step. Not only did this redoubtable character refuse to go back into the building, he didn't even wait to be paid!

Most of the regular employees, however, didn't mind having Willie around because his pranks were usually harmless. Only one employee felt a sense of foreboding - Jimmy, the young man who had locked Willie in the boiler-room and continued to work at the factory. Incidents only ever happened in the parts of the building where Jimmy worked, and several times after locking up at night he would be half way home when the factory's alarm would go off and he would have to return.

Jimmy never talked about the strange goings-on, except to say that he felt that he was the reason for the haunting, and it must be true, because, since Jimmy died, the factory has been left in peace.

The Haunting Tale of the Beautiful Black Lady

Broomhill House was one of several large houses in the Millheugh area of Larkhall. It belonged to a Captain McNeil, a sea-faring gentleman, who sought his fortune in far-flung exotic locations. Legend says that the Captain returned from one of his adventures with a beautiful Indian princess, ,with whom he was very much in love. She was installed at Broomhill, but her happiness was short-lived. Her ignorance of Western customs made her a social embarrassment and the Captain forbade her to leave the house except at night. After a while, she was no longer seen at all and the Captain claimed that she had disappeared. However, her ghostly form soon returned to seek revenge.

At first she was seen at the window of Broomhill, beckoning to passers-by. Then she was seen roaming the surrounding orchards and the area known as Morgan Glen. Her revenge on the Captain is not documented, but his death certificate states that he died of premature old age!

The Black Lady was the subject of the first attempt to perform an exorcism live on television. It was in the 1960s, and the BBC team who visited the Larkhall site to document the event found that their cameras were freezing over although the weather was not cold. And was it the Black Lady who added the final macabre touch? When the filming was completed, the director set off for another location and was killed in a car crash.

Craignethan Castle and Mary Queen of Scots

 Mary, Queen of ScotsThe most romantic and tragic figure in Scottish history is surely that of Mary, Queen of Scots (pictured left): child bride, teenage widow, subject of court intrigues, cause of national uprising and eventual victim of her suspicious cousin, Elizabeth of England. Like her equally romantic and tragic descendant, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Mary travelled widely and left a trail of claims that "Mary, Queen of Scots slept here".

Craignethan Castle, near the Clyde Valley village of Crossford, and now a Historic Monument, belonged to the Hamilton family, long-time allies of the young Queen. They helped her to escape from her imprisonment in Loch Leven Castle and entertained her at Craignethan before escorting her to safety at Dumbarton Castle. However, she was never to reach this destination.

She was intercepted and defeated at the battle of Langside in 1568. She fled to England and threw herself on the mercy of her cousin. But the jealous Elizabeth, fearful for her own throne, kept Mary imprisoned for 19 years. She was eventually beheaded for supposed treason in 1587 and is naturally assumed to be the headless lady seen wandering around Craignethan Castle, the last place in her beloved Scotland where she was warmly received and lovingly protected.

Craignethan's Other Inhabitants

The headless lady is not the only phenomenon at Craignethan. This 16th century castle, although of somewhat unusual design, is an example of the tower house dwelling characteristic of prominent Scotsmen of that period. A bridge crosses the ditch from the outer courtyard to the confines of the castle itself, and the castle's custodian has noticed that many dogs refuse to cross that bridge. Animals are supposedly particularly sensitive to psychic phenomena, which may explain why no dogs will go down to the castle's cellars. This possibility has been reinforced by a psychic medium who claimed to have been pushed down the stairs by an unseen force.

Craignethan CastleIn the outer courtyard stands a house built in 1661 by the Covenanter Andrew Hay, using many of the stones from the castle's demolished west rampart. The house (left) is now the home of the custodian and his family, but it has other inhabitants also. The temporal occupants of the house often hear the sound of women's voices talking in urgent and unhappy tones, though the subject of their discussion remains a mystery. Perhaps they worry about the fate of their Covenanter husbands, or perhaps they come from an earlier time when the west rampart was still intact.

Sir Walter Scott once considered Craignethan as a home for himself before he decided to purchase Abbotsford in the Scottish Borders. He may have used it as inspiration for Tillietudlem Castle in his novel "Old Mortality", though he denied this and claimed that Tillietudlem was purely imaginary. However, many of the incidents of the book actually happened at Craignethan, so who can tell…?

Myself, as MQS, for a publicity shot

Braidwood's Mining Monks

In a wooded hollow off the beaten track between Braidwood and Crossford lies a cottage otherwise known as St. Oswald's Chapel. It stands on, or near, the site of a monastery of unknown date and although the building itself no longer stands, its bell can be heard ringing and at least one of the monks has been spotted wandering in the woods. The monks mined the coal seam running through the valley and the mine, now filled in, supposedly had pillars hewn out of coal that were beautifully carved by the monks.

The Phantom Car of Kirkfieldbank

Scotland's first fatal road accident happened at the entrance to Linnmill, Kirkfieldbank, in 1912. At the time, the house belonged to Scots playwright Robert McLellan and it was his sister who was killed as she played at the entrance to the property. A phantom car door banging shut is often heard by the present occupants of Linnmill.

New Lanark's Lady in the Inverness Cape

The World Heritage village of New Lanark (pictured below at the turn of the century) is famous for its preserved 18th century mill buildings on the banks of the River Clyde. The mills were built and run by industrialist Robert Owen, a man with revolutionary ideas about how to treat his workers. A school, a co-operative store, a community hall are all witness to his enlightened thinking.

New Lanark

Alan Graham was born in New Lanark in 1909. As a young boy he was at home alone one night - his parents were visiting his grandmother in an adjacent building - when he awake due to the bright moonlight shining through his uncovered window. He saw a lady standing in the room, dressed in a tartan or checked Inverness cape. When he spoke to her, she stared straight at him, walked towards him and then turned and disappeared through the closed bedroom door.

When he told his parents, they persuaded him that it had been a dream and it was 30 years before his sister confessed to having seen the same lady. At the age of 96, Mary Graham told her story to the New Lanark Oral Archive…

"I see her yet… It was when we flitted [moved house] to the New Buildings, next to the Bell door. The shop [her parents'] was level with it. It was a surgery in the olden days. We lived in the flat above. … I was mysel' in the back bedroom. I wakened frozen. When I opened my eyes the figure was coming towards me. She had an old fashioned Inverness cloak and a wee black hat but she had a veil over her face… she put her hand out to me, I remember that. She had gloves on… The next thing I saw there was a bright red spark going through the door… the door was bolted and nailed and we never used it. I told my father and mother and they said, 'Don't be frightened - it's supposed to be haunted. But she'll no hurt ye. It's no' you she wants.' It must have been somebody who was killed in the surgery or poisoned… Alan saw her. Alan was a boy. We went to see my granny. Alan was in bed… he didn't know anything about the ghost. My mother and father said that they wouldn't tell him or it would frighten him and he wouldn't stay in the house himself… He got such a fright."

Now there's no way of finding out who the lady might have been, but it seems, according to a medium, that she is just one of many spirits living in the village.

The Jovial Monk of Lanark

There's an old song which begins, "A jovial monk am I, contented with my lot…", a song that might have been written especially for the Grey Abbott of Lanark's Clydesdale Hotel. It was his 'habit' to roam around the cellars of the Hotel - a spirit among spirits, so to speak!

Though now a hotel, it was previous a coaching inn, and this was built at the end of the 18th century on the site of a Franciscan monastery. This monastery was founded by Robert the Bruce in 1315, just one year after the Battle of Bannockburn, and the cellars of the present hotel were once part of the crypt.

The Grey Abbott makes his presence felt quite often in the Hotel's cellar bar, where many people have felt someone pushing past them, even when there was no one in the vicinity. Glasses and doors rattle for no apparent reason and the heavy front door can be heard banging even when there's no one near it. Mostly, though, the Grey Abbott keeps to the cellars, which is where, after all, all self-respecting spirits should be!

The Nun's Story

Part of the local administrative offices in Lanark was once a hospital staffed by an order of nuns. In fact, there was a hospital on this site as far back as the 15th century. The building's cleaners claim to have had many inexplicable experiences of hearing their name called or having the eerie feeling that there was someone else in the room with them. One cleaner, as she approached the building one evening, was surprised to see a nun turning the corner, heading away from her. Most surprising was the fact that the nun was not in modern dress, but wore a full-length navy dress with pockets and an old-fashioned wimple.

When fire destroyed the roof of the hospital in the 1960, the premises were moved to another site, where a nun has since also been seen. So, maybe what the cleaner saw was the nun heading for her new home…

The Lady in Grey

Insomniacs as the Shieldhill House Hotel at Quothquan, near the town of Biggar, should listen for things that go bump in the night, for, behind the door of a certain room, someone is definitely not sleeping. The room is in the "keep", a part of the hotel dating back to the 12th century, and the Grey Lady making all the noise is one of the Chancellor family, who owned the house right up to the 1950's. The Grey Lady, however, comes from the 17th century, a time of religious persecution in Scotland. One story suggests that she was driven to suicide after being molested by soldiers passing through the area. The more accepted story, however, is that she fell in love with a "commoner" and when her father forbade the marriage the broken-hearted lass threw herself from the battlements.

Now the Grey Lady prefers to keep to her own room, which is one of the rooms available to guests. Sleep in it if you dare.

Why the Shepherd's Hair turned White

During the 1920s, a strange incident happened to a shepherd near the village of Coulter [pronounced "Cooter"] in the south of Lanarkshire, and his daughter still tells the story of how her father's hair turned white.

The shepherd had been helping with the sheep dipping at a neighbouring farm and, among the sheep, found one of his own that had wandered over the hill from his own flock. That night, after the dipping was finished, he set off for home across the hills with the stray sheep on a lead and his dog running by his side. As they approached an old ruined house, the dog stopped in its tracks and, hackles raised, growled into the gloom. The shepherd spoke to the dog, but it continued to growl and, looking up, he was surprised to see a well-dressed couple walking towards him. Later, he was to realise that the couple had been dressed in Victorian garb, but at the time he was so surprised to see them at all that he automatically said "Good Evening". The second he spoke, the couple vanished into thin air, and when the shepherd woke the following morning, it was to discover that his hair had turned white overnight.

The house where the ghosts were seen is known locally as "The Vaults". It was originally Windgate House, built by the Laird of Lamington in this secluded spot to avoid the prying gaze of his neighbour, the Laird of Symington. The foundations of the house were excavated by a descendant of the old shepherd during the 1980s. A plaque explains the architectural style of the 19th century building: a single storey of living accommodation built over a vaulted area used for housing animals. It is known as a "Bastel" house.

Tales from a Coaching Inn

To the casual observer, the picturesque village of Crawford might look like a restful spot to stop for the night or the ideal place to do a little fishing. Such observations would be totally accurate, but somewhat short of the whole truth. For it is only in recent times that Crawford has dwindled in significance. At one time it was one of the most important places in Scotland.

Crawford was known to the Romans, and, during their sojourn in Scotland, it ranked as their second most-fortified area. Watling Street, the main Roman Road north ran through it. It still does, and the Romans are still there too, but in somewhat less solid state. Ten ghostly Roman soldiers have been seen marching down Watling Street in the middle of Crawford. But, of course, the level of Watling Street has risen over the years, and the soldiers are now only seen from the knees up!

The coaching inn in the village of Crawford was a staging post on the major North-South road, the 6th of 40 stops between Edinburgh and London. The inn, now the Post Horn Hotel, was built in 1744, and Bonnie Prince Charlie must have passed this way on his fateful retreat from Derby, which ended with the Battle of Culloden in 1745. The owners of the Hotel have experienced two separate ghostly phenomena. The first, a little girl, is thought to be the daughter of the owners in the early 19th century. She was killed by a coach and four outside the inn and now appears in the dining room, the former stables. Either she moves the chairs around or she skips, singing as she goes.

The area has many tales of tragic coaching accidents - runaway teams, broken bridges and coachmen blown from their seats by gales. One of the most tragic events happened in February 1805, when a coach overturned on nearby Beattock Summit in a raging snow storm. The two coachmen set off to look for help, but never found it. One died within two miles of the crash, the other made it to Crawford, but the storm was so wild that he passed within a few feet of the inn without realising it, and walked on to his death in the snow. On a stormy night in the 1980s, the owner of the Post Horn Hotel, unaware of this story, saw a man with snowy white hair and dressed in a brown cloak, passing the window of the Hotel's bar. When no one came in, he went out to investigate who could be wandering about on such a night, and found nothing - not even a footprint in the snow.




This contribution is a story about the most frightening experience of my life (so far!) It's a ghost story that has the added dimension of being TRUE!

Some years ago I was in a somewhat popular folk-band that managed to secure a  Summer's work at a folk club in  Cornwall. The six of us were given the keys to an old cottage in the village of Perranuthnoe, near  St Michael's Mount, in which to stay.
After a few weeks, the owner of the club was so pleased with our efforts that he gave us an evening off: he suggested a barbecue and provided us with crates of beer and some chops and sausages to cook on the fire.
As dusk approached we walked through the old wooden gate of the cottage, straight onto the shallow, sandy beach. The tide was out and there was the beginnings of a sea mist. The lead singer, Bob and I walked casually down to the water's edge, while John, the other guitarist, and our three girlfriends remained to tend the fire. It was Bob (a six foot six tall man who was frightened of nothing) who first spotted the figures: there, at the edge of the mist were three barely discernible outlines wading knee-deep, parallel to the shoreline. 

Bob and I squatted down together. Could they be smugglers? Some other band of desperate criminals, up to no good on this isolated fore-shore? As the trio drew level with us, they seemed for the first time to become aware of our presence: they turned towards us. It was at this moment that I shook Bob's arm and whispered hoarsely "They're not making a wake, Bob!" And indeed, the three figures approached the beach without the slightest disturbance of the water through which they were apparently wading. Suddenly the ravelling mist swirled and cleared: for the first time we could see the figures plainly at perhaps twenty metres range……..That sight will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life: the three 'men' (though they hardly deserved the appellation) can only be described as having the appearance of rotting corpses. Their empty eye-sockets stared vacantly towards the beach, while shreds of skin and flesh hung from their emaciated frames.
Someone screamed….it could have been Bob or I: it doesn't matter…..The sound galvanised the pair of us. We turned and ran up the beach, past the flaring  driftwood fire and into the house. From behind us we heard gasps of horror, and the panic-stricken footsteps of our companions. 

That night was spent in sleepless terror of what we had seen only too well on the deserted beach. The doors were locked and barricaded with furniture, but none of us dare surrender to sleep.  As the first light of day spread from the East, we summoned the courage firstly to peep through the thickly-curtained windows, then to open the door and venture outside. John and I had abandoned our acoustic guitars in our rush from the beach.  The neck of John's £300 Epiphone was warped and twisted beyond repair by the chill sea-mists: it somehow didn't seem to matter.

Later that day the club-owner dropped by. " Did you have a good evening, boys and girls?" he enquired 
" Not...disturbed at all?"

We finished the Summer season and went on to further musical success….but, by common consent, that night on the beach at Perranuthnoe was never discussed by any of us……….

As I said at the beginning: this IS a true story!


It was a long time ago now, about forty three years, when my brother and I were little boys of about three and four years old respectively. At that time we lived in an old cobble-stone cottage in Norfolk that is no longer there, a housing estate of bungalows having been built there for several years now. Anyway, on more than one occasion we were disturbed by something coming through our bedroom. This 'something' was so upsetting to me that I screamed my head off until mother came up to see what was wrong. My dad wouldn't come at first because he said my scream was so unearthly he was scared! I can remember being absolutely terrified. My mother asked us what was wrong and we explained that figures had come through our room.

Now, in actual fact, my brother can remember what we saw better than I can, even though he is the youngest. I can distinctly remember seeing a soft light moving around the room in a weird way and being utterly witless with fear, whereas my brother can remember seeing a rather large woman with dark red hair running through our room and disappearing through the far wall.
He knew she was running because he saw her cheeks puffing in and out. We also saw a medieval type of woman, at any rate, she must have been medieval because my mother got us to draw pictures of what we saw the next morning and they showed details of that period of dress we couldn't have known about 
beforehand. Bear in mind that each subsequent drawing we did got more scary with our childish imaginations, so it's fair to say that the first ones were probably the most accurate.

These showed a lady in a long dress with a 'wimple' on her head, this is a pointed hat that held a veil aloft and trailed it down her back. I can distinctly remember drawing these pictures. We saw these ladies on more than one occasion and I was terrified each time. It is because my brother and I both remember this that I think proves it was a genuine experience - and my mother and father can remember coming up to us of course. Besides, I can still recall the utter terror I felt at the time. 

Strangely, on one occasion I can vividly remember seeing a small, diamond shaped thing moving about between our beds, although this may have been part of something larger, such as a figure. Nevertheless, I thought it strange because it was visible in the darkness, and sort of pale in colour, but without emitting much light. It was weird.

After we moved away, the cottage was knocked down to make way for the new homes and whenever we passed the site we noticed that, as often as not, the bungalow on the site of the cottage always seemed to be for sale.

Anyway, it gives me Goosebumps just recalling this as it was definitely something real and very odd. No wonder the poor little boy that was me was so scared! Interestingly my brother was perhaps too young to fully appreciate what it was because when my mother came up the stairs the first time and asked us what was wrong my brother simply replied "I saw a shadow".

Thought you might like to know anyway buhbye.

Monday, 22 July 2013



West Bengal is a very important state of Indian Sub-continent. It is located on the east and the capital city is Kolkata (earlier known as Calcutta). It is a popular tourist destination in India with an array of historic places to visit. The colonial architecture of the city attracts various visitors from all parts of the globe. Some of the buildings and monuments here are century old and are the hot spots of the metro city. However Kolkata is also famous for the black magic stories and some of the haunted places which are a popular tourist spot as well.
Following is a list of Top 5 Most Haunted and Spookiest Places in Kolkata which happen to be famous tourist spots also:
  • Writer’s Building Kolkata

    The writer here doesn’t mean the literary personalities, it used to be the junior servants (the clerical and administrative staff) residing in the building. So, it was named Writer’s Building. Today it is the secretariat building of the State Government of West Bengal. It is a massive red color building situated at the BBD square of Kolkata which is the heart of the city. There are various gigantic rooms in the building vacant from years suspected to be haunted. Various stories claim that these unoccupied / vacant rooms are spooky and ghosts dwell in here. none of the officials in the building stays here after dusk. the nearby vendors have reported sounds of someone crying late at night.
  • South Park Street Cemetery

    Today, The South Park Street Cemetery is one of the famous tourist spots in Kolkata, The tall lush green trees, century old tombs and peaceful surrounding attracts various tourists and locales as well. Most of the graves here belong to British Soldiers. The cemetery is one of the oldest burial grounds of the city. It was constructed in 1767 and now believed to be haunted. The reports of the cemetery being haunted and spooky are not in numbers, but there are a few who claim to have experienced something unusual after visiting the place. One report says that while visiting the place a group of friends clicked pictures and later they found a weird shadow shaped like a fist in front of the lens. Soon the weird things started happening with each of them, the one who clicked the picture had an asthma attack and surprisingly he wasn’t and isn’t asthma patient and the other had sever dizziness etc.
  • Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station

    Formerly known as Dhakuria Lake, Rabindra Sarovar is a popular spot in Kolkata. It is an artificial lake in South Kolkata. The nearby metro station is one of the busy spot in Kolkata. It is said that many people have committed suicide at this station and thus is a haunted place. The people who board the last train have some weird experiences and people have reported ghastly shadows of figures during late evenings and late night.
  • Hastings House, Alipore

    Hastings house is a small part of Belvedere Estate. The Belvedere Estate was one of the oldest establishments in Alipore. Governor General Warren Hastings built Hasting House for himself and then it became the Governor’s residence until the Government House came up later. Today, its a Women’s College of Calcutta University. the students here have reported different incidents that are spooky. Some say they have seen a man riding a horse entering the campus and searching some documents. They believe it to be Warren Hastings himself. Others have reported about the spirit of a boy who died here while playing football, since then no one plays here. One girl has reported of a woman who was possessed.
  • The National Library

    The National Library also lies in Belvedere Estate premise. The National Library is known for its rare collection of books. Few people who are a regular visitor here have reported some eerie stories about the building. They have heard the sounds of foot steps and believe that it is the Governor’s wife who has haunted this place. The new construction beside the building also have some spooky trails reported by people working there. During the construction, few workers met with some sever accident and died on the spot. It is believed that their spirits linger around that area.

Friday, 19 July 2013



Australia, as a settled country, isn’t that old. Sydney and Melbourne are the two largest and oldest cities on the continent, yet we can only look back to the late 1700s for a Western history of the country. With such a short time-frame to work with, Australia has more than its fair share of reputedly-haunted locations. As a result of that, this column, which was to be based around the most terrifying places in Australia, has been narrowed down to a series of articles, one for each state of Australia.
Here are some of the more renowned locations for paranormal activity and alleged hauntings. I’ll give you the facts and the rumours, and you can go on to make up your own mind.


Larundel was first imagined in 1938, a way for the state government to replace the outdated Kew Mental Hospital. Two years later, it was under construction when WWII intervened. For the next five years various uses were planned for the buildings, but in 1946 Larundel was given to the Victorian Department of Housing for emergency accommodation. The wards were hastily converted to flats.
It continued as housing until 1949, but over the next four years, Larundel was slowly populated with patients from Beechworth Lunatic Asylum, which experienced fire-damage at the time. In 1953 Larundel was officially declared a hospital for the mentally ill. By that stage, it had 387 patients, a quarter of which were women. Two years later, eight additional wards opened, allowing for another 360 patients (270 of which were female).
It continued to operate through until the 90s when the government moved away from incarcerating such patients and tried to integrate them back into society. The remaining buildings are currently derelict and there is no access to the general public. It sits, the old buildings boarded up, waiting for the government to do something with it.
For the past fifteen or so years, the abandoned buildings have been a playground for those fascinated with thrill-seeking, as well as paranormal investigators. It is said by some that loud banging on the walls can be heard; odd smells and the sound of children crying have also been experienced on occasion.
There is a rumour that a little girl who died on the third floor loved her music box, and to this day, there are claims on the internet that random explorers have heard music playing on some nights, just before or at midnight. There are many accounts of supernatural phenomena occurring at Larundel, and the complex itself is vast and spooky enough to scare the most intrepid explorer, even without phantoms and unexplained occurrences.

Old Geelong Gaol

Geelong GaolThe Geelong Gaol was first occupied in 1853. Its design was based on the English Pentonville Prison, and it was built by convicts who were housed in ship hulks moored in Corio Bay.
The gaol was operated as a high security prison until it was decommissioned in July, 1991. Little has changed at Geelong Gaol since its closure. Some exhibits of its past history have been added, in the style of a museum, but the gaol itself is still an imposing and dread-inspiring building.
Prisoners were held in small, unheated cells, with no sewerage facilities at all, for up to fourteen hours each day.
Past inmates have reported hearing female cries at night, especially in the east wing, the site of the Industrial School for Girls for the late 1860s. Tour guides have reported witnessing several occurrences, including swirling mists, general weird feelings and people being struck.
The site has been visited by various paranormal research teams, who have reported strange mists, sounds, EMF disturbances and orbs. Mediums and other ‘sensitive’ people have been employed by some, and they have reported the presence of various spirits in the gaol. The old infirmary, cell 45, the gallows, and the external shower block are reportedly the sites with the most activity.
The gaol is now operated by the Rotary Club of Geelong, who run guided tours on weekends and holidays. Ghost tours run at night every weekend, and it has become a place that many claim is haunted by its own dark past.

Beechworth Lunatic Asylum

Beechworth asylumOriginally known as Mayday Hills Lunatic Asylum, Beechworth is a decommissioned psychiatric hospital. Mayday Hills Lunatic Asylum was the fourth such hospital to be built in Victoria, and is one of the three largest. Mayday Hills Hospital closed in 1995 after 128 years of operation.
Foreboding is the only way anyone could describe the buildings situated at the top of a hill outside Beechworth in northern Victoria.
Beechworth Lunatic Asylum is currently owned by La Trobe University. Nightly Ghost tours are held at the hospital, allowing public access to the most historic buildings in the complex.
There are plenty of stories told about Mayday Hills Asylum: many have spoken of the figure of a man who appears near the cellar, and then completely vanishes within a second. Matron Sharpe, who spent most of her life there, has been spotted on more than one occasion, a grey, hooded figure in period costume. Doors swing open by themselves, and at other times, mysterious screams are heard. Some say that a glance out of the cottage windows around dusk may reveal an old man in a green jacket, maybe an old ground-keeper, wandering around in the gardens. Also, a woman has been, on occasion, photographed standing at the window from which she was reputedly thrown by other inmates. Whether these tales are true or not, the entire place has a certain eeriness about it that sends chills down the spine.

Willsmere (Kew) Mental Asylum

Kew AsylumWillsmere is a decommissioned psychiatric hospital in Kew, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. Operational for over a hundred years, Willsmere was one of the largest asylums ever built in Australia. First known as Kew Lunatic Asylum, the complex of buildings was constructed between 1864 and 1872 to house the growing number of ‘lunatics’, ‘unrepentant drunks’, ‘constant masturbators’ and ‘idiots’ in the Colony of Victoria.
Willsmere was the very first asylum built for that purpose in Victoria, and was the largest to exist in the state. It operated in conjunction with the asylums built in Ararat and Beechworth, but housed the less-dangerous and confronting patients. The asylum’s buildings are typical examples of the French Second Empire style which was popular in Victorian Melbourne. The use of low ha-ha walls and extensively landscaped grounds added to the decadent beauty of the complex. Long considered of cultural and historic significance to Melbourne, Kew Asylum and its complex of buildings were registered on the Register of the National Estate in March 1978.
Not as beautiful on the inside as the outside, the asylum was criticised heavily during the first fifty years of operation for issues including overcrowding, mismanagement, lack of resources, poor sanitation and disease.
Kew continued to operate throughout the 20th century as a psychiatric hospital, treating acute, long-term and geriatric patients until it closed in December 1988. The main building and surrounding grounds were sold by the State Government, and were then redeveloped as residential properties, with the stipulation that all redesign must fall within regulations for preservation of the original façade.
Not somewhere I’d want to live, but each to their own. At this point, there are no reports of residents dying from paranormal phenomena, but time will tell.

Aradale Mental Hospital

AradaleAradale is Australia’s largest abandoned lunatic asylum. Comprised of over sixty buildings and placed in over hundred acres on the top of a hill near Ararat, Victoria, Aradale (formerly known as Ararat Lunatic Asylum) is a most-impressive facility.
Opened in 1867, the complex housed, in its approximately 130 year history, tens of thousands of people described as ‘lunatics’, ‘idiots’ and ‘imbeciles’ – some of them described as the worst lunatics in the British Empire. As it was far from the prying eyes of the Melbourne population, the very worst cases were sent to Ararat, where no one cared what became of them.
Completed forty years before Freud, this building saw some of the most controversial psychiatric treatments in Australia. Around 13,000 people died there in its 130 years. As a result, Aradale is considered one of the most haunted locations in Australia.
Over the last year, for the first time in its long history, Aradale’s doors have opened for evening explorations. I recently went on a Ghost Tour of this massive place, and believe me, it’s pretty damn scary.
My immediate thoughts on arrival at the front of the facility were, “wow, that’s massive”. Then I realised that the front is just a minute part of the place. Just as it was getting dark, our guide, dressed in top-hat and tails, brought us in through the front doors and armed us with small, battery-operated lanterns. I had a high-lumen head-torch, so I considered myself lucky. Throughout the tour, we heard many stories about the place; of the torturous ‘treatments’ the patients were subjected to, of the long and sometimes sordid history of the place, and, of course, of the hauntings that have allegedly taken place within the facility.
There are many reports of paranormal activity within the boundaries of Aradale: tales of Nurse Kerry, who allegedly haunts the women’s wing and watches the ghost tour groups from one room in particular; the unexplained pains and sense of being touched by people in the old men’s wing surgery; the unexplained cold winds emanating from the old office of the facility director (we felt that one ourselves); and the back area of the men’s wing isolation cells, where banging can be heard on the walls, even though no one else is in the building. Finally, there are tales of Old Margaret, supposedly one of the many patients who were kicked out in the late 90s, when Aradale closed, who still hangs around the facility because it was her home for her entire life.

The best of the rest

The Old Melbourne Gaol is a museum and former prison located in Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It consists of a bluestone building and courtyard, and is located next to the old City Police Watch House and City Courts buildings. The three-storey museum displays information and memorabilia of the prisoners and staff, including death masks of the executed criminals. At one time the museum displayed Ned Kelly’s skull, before it was stolen in 1978, as well as the pencil used by wrongly convicted Colin Campbell Ross to protest his innocence in writing, before being executed. Paranormal enthusiasts claim the museum is haunted, with claims of ghostly apparitions and unexplained voices near cells.
Fortuna Villa is a mansion near Bendigo in Victoria, Australia. It was first built in 1855, during the gold rush, and went from being a large but modest house to the mansion that is seen today. In WWII, the house was used by the Australian Army as a mapping survey centre, and after this it was declared the property of the Victorian Parliament and became a listed Commonwealth Heritage site. There are many reported ghosts of Fortuna Villa: the ghost of George Lansell, one of owners and a founder of Bendigo, appears as a bearded figure; the ghost of a teenage girl reportedly appears as a spectre asking people to leave; footsteps can sometimes be heard at night, as well as the tapping of a cane, and in some rooms cold spots can be felt. In 1986, a witness saw a dark shape, a head and torso without legs, passing through the bannister of the main staircase, and finally, some claim to have heard the voice of a woman, supposed to be Bedilia, Lansell’s first wife, who died in uncertain circumstances. Some military personnel, stationed in the mapping survey centre, have reported that previously locked doors are found open, and a boy in a sailor suit appeared to a female soldier, disappearing when she called out for help. Tellingly, members of the Australian Army wrote a letter to their superiors asking for relocation out of the property due to ongoing hauntings. It was, of course, denied.
As you can see, the number of haunted locations in Australia seems to far outweigh our population and relative age, and this article barely touches the tip of the iceberg in that regard. Welcome to Terror Australis.