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Thursday, 28 November 2013

20” Pygmies Stalking Indonesian Park?

20” Pygmies Stalking Indonesian Park?

Hey, I can’t think of a way to start this post off! So…let’s just get on with the post? Yeah let’s do that! Recently, park rangers at the Way Kambas National Park in Lampung, Indonesia have claimed that for the past month, they’ve been chasing what they to be 20-inch tall, dreadlocked pygmies. They were first sighted on march 20th, 2013 at around 6:40 p.m. Park spokesman Sukatmoko spotted the pygmy running quickly through the underbrush. When park employees attempt to make contact with the pygmies, they run away very fast and hide behind trees and vanish. The next objective for the park is to capture the pygmies on film. Back in 2003, the skull of a female third the size of a normal human were found on the island of Flores in Indonesia and they were dated to be 18,000 years old. Nine more very small human bodies were eventually excavated as well. Coupled with the skeletal remains, many believe that these recent sightings are proof that a race of tiny humans once inhabited Indonesia, and that they’re still around.

I would be making some Lord of the Rings jokes/references, but I don’t really like LotR so…anyway, moving on. I’m really interested to see if the park can actually capture footage of these pygmies because I’ll be honest, this sounds pretty far-fetched. I’d like to believe these claims, but I want to see proof of these pygmies before I pass judgment on this case. The only reason i can think of as to why the park would make up these claims is to attract more people to the park, but I kind of doubt that’s what they’re doing. There’s really not much else to say, other than I’m going to stay neutral on this until we see footage, but I’m not going to be holding my breath. What do you all think? Could this park in Indonesia be home to real pygmies or is this just a dumb stunt in hopes of bringing people to the park?

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