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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Kansas - Gateway to Hell. “50 States of Freaky!” Vol. 16

Kansas - Gateway to Hell. “50 States of Freaky!” Vol. 16

Make sure you’re all caught up with this series! “50 States of Freaky”


Want to go meet Satan himself in the flesh? Me neither, but our next stop in our tour of the 50 states actually takes us to his home! Well, it’s more like the portal to his home, but it’s all the same to me. So our next stop is in the small little town of Stull, Kansas. It’s said that a small cemetery within the small town is where Satan himself materializes. This cemetery is one of two places that Satan is believed to materialize. The other spot is halfway around the world over in India somewhere. People have claimed to see Satan himself inside the small cemetery since the 1850’s. The only evidence to back up these claims are testimonies from people who say they were assaulted while they were in the cemetery. They describe a strong, powerful wind that fixed them to the ground and temporarily paralyzed them. Due to the claims that Satan, the town changed it’s name from “Skull” to “Stull” to cover it’s association with Satan and black magic.

Do you think they have Satan related merchandise at their gift-shops? I think what I find most interesting is that fact that there are two spots in the entire world that Satan decided to only materialize in. One in Kansas and the other is in India. Well you know what? I call bullshit on that one because Satan has supposedly been seen in Colorado as well! (See, this is why you should be all caught up with this series. Fucking references everywhere!)I’m not sure what to think. There’s no real way to prove or deny the claim that Satan is in the town’s cemetery because the only evidence we have is people who SAY they were attacked. And I’m not sure I’m willing to call the ‘evidence’. So, I think overall I’m going to stay neutral, though I’m kind of leaning towards this being just some kind of town legend. But what do you think? Do you think that Satan really is in this Kansas town or is it all a legend along with the other location in India? And, if Satan appeared to you in a graveyard, what would you do/say to him?

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