Vancouver Man Photographs UFO
What if we were to replace our eyes with full spectrum camera eyes. I wonder if we’d be able to see hidden UFOs and ghosts and stuff. I ask this because I question how people don’t see UFO until they look at the photo(s) on their computer. Is it because the UFO is using a cloaking devise and can only be seen by infrared? Or is it because it really wasn’t their? Well today we’re headed to Vancouver, Canada where a man says that he photographed a UFO, but only noticed it until he loaded the photos to his computer. The photo was taken in May 25th, 2013 by the Northern Shore Mountain. Anthony Ellias was out taking photos and later loaded them on to his computer. That’s when he noticed something odd in one of the photos. A silver, saucer-shaped craft can be seen hovering near the mountain. The object only appeared in one photo and Anthony believes that this is genuine evidence of aliens.
(A close up of the original photo.)
OK, in this case i can kind of understand how you might not see that. It is pretty small. Now he did say it only appeared in one photo, but I kind of have a problem with that. That would mean it either just disappeared into thin air or it was flying so fast that when he took the picture it was at the perfect moment. I don’t think it was going fast because there’s no motion blur at all. it’s possible that it could have just disappeared out of thin air, but come one, how convenient would that be. Anthony didn’t upload any other pictures he took to prove he didn’t capture the object more than once, but it’s also possible that the other photos he took were of completely different areas/angles. The craft could still have been there but the camera just wasn’t pointed in the right area. So there’s many possibilities, but I’m kind of leaning towards this actually being Photoshopped (what a cop-out answer!). There’s just something about the UFO that’s really bugging me, like it somehow doesn’t match the rest of the photo (i.e. quality, lighting, ect.) That’s my opinion on this, but what’s yours? Did this man snap a picture of a real UFO or is it just another product of Photoshop?
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