Grey Alien Photographed in Bulgaria?
Tip #285 on how to avoid being in a real-life horror movie/game: never walk through a foggy forest. It’s common knowledge that creepy things love foggy areas. But, if you want to walk through what looks like the forest in Silent Hill, then be my guest. But when a monster attacks you, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Don’t believe that you’ll encounter something scary in a foggy forest? Well, let’s head on over to Yundola, Bulgaria where a grey alien was recently photographed by a group of hikers. As the group was walking through the forest, one of the hikers apparently noticed something up ahead. He decided to pull out his camera and take a picture before whatever it was disappeared. Upon further inspection, he saw that it was a grey alien. The photo and the alien, for whatever reason, can’t be authenticated.
You know, I was excited when I first saw the headline that a new alien photo had been released. But, once I saw the photo and read the story behind it, I immediately began to question the authenticity of this picture. One of the two biggest problems i have with this photo is the alien itself. It’s just standing out in the open, as if it wants to be seen. I don’t think an alien would want to be seen while it’s on another planet. Would you want to be seen, and possibly captured, while you were on another planet? Probably not. What also bugs me about this alien is it’s appearance. The head, specifically the face, looks like it’s a crudely made costume head. The torso also looks like an ill-fitting bodysuit. The other major problem I have with this picture is the hikers. It was insinuated that at least the cameraman saw the alien. If this is true, then instead of telling the others, he simply takes his camera out and takes one picture. Oh, and the one picture has a tree smack-dab in the middle of it. Either he was desperate to take the picture regardless of what was in the shot, or this is a poorly executed hoax.
But, for the sake of argument, let’s say that he actually didn’t notice the alien. Let’s say he was just taking a random picture of the group hiking. If that’s the case, then that really doesn’t change much. Now it just means that this guy got very lucky in unintentionally photographing an alien. And, you again have to ask why the tree is in the shot. If you’re taking a picture of people, wouldn’t you try and take a picture without anything obstructing the shot? But you could also argue that perhaps this was an accidental photo. maybe he was setting up the camera/the shot and he accidentally took a photo. If that is the case, then again, this guy very lucky. So there are many things you could say to defend this photo’s authenticity, but in my opinion, none of them can do a good enough job of convincing me that this photo is real. So, I think the photo is fake, but what do you think? Was an alien really photographed by one of these hikers, or is this alien just someone in a crudely made costume?
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