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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Massachusetts - The Bridgewater Triangle. “50 States of Freaky!” Vol. 21

Massachusetts - The Bridgewater Triangle. “50 States of Freaky!” Vol. 21

Be sure your all caught up with this series! “50 States of Freaky”


Let’s see, there’s the Bermuda Triangle, Dragon’s Triangle and the other billion ___ Triangles that I’m sure exist. Well today, we have yet another triangle to add to that list! Hooray!* (*said no one) Out next ‘50 States of Freaky’ stop takes us to southeastern Massachusetts, to a large swamp dubbed the “Bridgewater Triangle”. Spanning around 200 square miles, the Bridgewater Triangle has been home to many paranormal sightings that include UFOs. ghostly orbs, Thunderbird, Bigfoot, giant snakes, cattle mutilation, fireballs and satanic rituals. Plus, more than a dozen confirmed homicides have occurred in the triangle over the past 30 years. Legend has it that the swamp was cursed by Native Americans after they received poor treatment from early colonial settlers. The towns said to be encompassed in the Bridgewater Triangle are: Abington, Brockton, Rehoboth, Freetown, Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Whitman, Middleboro, Dighton, Berkley, Raynham, Norton, Easton, Lakeville, Seekonk and Taunton.

In my head I picture Bigfoot riding a Thunderbird with a ghost orb companion chasing a UFO that’s shooting giant snakes at them and the snakes fall to the ground and mutilate cattle which are then used in a satanic ritual that ends with fire balls flying everywhere. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what goes on inside my head on a daily basis. You are now free to call the psych ward if you’d like. But, let’s detour away from my crazy imagination and talk about this freaky triangle! There’s not much for me to say other than it sure sounds like there’s never a dull moment of there! All this really is is just an area where a lot of crazy stuff has been reported. So is the ‘Bridgewater Triangle’ “real”? Maybe. There’s no way of proving it’s “real”. You have to take each sighting as it’s own thing and not part of this big, some-how-its-all-connected-somehow triangle. It’s hard to explain, but I hope that makes some kind of sense. So, today’s question is this. Do you think that there is something mysterious that’s attracting all things paranormal to this one spot, or is it all just pure randomness that so many paranormal sightings have occurred there? And, which would you rather witness, Bigfoot riding a Thunderbird or a UFO shooting out giant snakes?

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