Mysterious Brown Foam Appears in Lake Mead?
Aliens, I know you don’t like water and all, but stop emptying your septic tanks into our water supplies. I mean, I’m assuming it’s the aliens that caused this brown foam to appear in Lake Mead this week. That’s right, Lake Mead which is in Nevada and (I believe) part of Arizona; mysterious brown foam was discovered on the lake this week. This has caused dozens of the fish in the lake to start dying. Park officials ordered people to stay away from the lake and they took samples of the foam. So far, they claim nothing is out of the ordinary but more tests are to be conducted. Test result are expected sometime in the near future, but in the mean time people are speculating what could have caused the strange foam. Some have suggested it was caused by dumping chemicals into the lake, while others have said aliens could be the cause. This kind of reminds me of when that UFO crashed into Shag (heh, shag…) Harbor in Nova Scotia back in 1967. Mysterious yellow foam formed in the harbor due to the object that supposedly crashed. I just thought it was worth mentioning that mystery foam has been tied to a UFO sighting. I personally don’t know if a UFO is to blame, it’s probably not. I’m sure chemicals are to blame, but they won’t tell us that. So until the test result roll in, we’ll just have to keep speculating. So what do you think caused the brown foam? Was it people dumping chemicals or was it something more supernatural, like aliens?
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