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Saturday, 23 November 2013

Haunted Factory Toilet Causes Riot in Bangladesh?

Haunted Factory Toilet Causes Riot in Bangladesh?

"Why are we rioting?" "Because there’s a ghost in the toilet!" "A ghost?! In the…toilet? Where’s my machete; I need to go threaten the boss!" That’s how I imagine this riot going down. If you think that was a bit extreme, it’s not. So this past month, workers at a factory in Bangladesh started a riot because a ghost was supposedly haunting their building, specifically the bathroom. It all started when a female worker reported she felt sick after a trip to the bathroom. She said that it was due to "an attack by a ghost" that was inside a toilet. This prompted more than 3,000 workers to start rioting and demanding that the ghost be removed. Workers started vandalizing the building and police armed with tear gas had to be called to stop the out of control workers (guess that Christmas bonus is out of the question now…). In the recent weeks, hundreds of workers in the capital city Dhaka and other factory towns have complained about feeling ill for now apparent reason. Medical authorities say that the ill feelings were caused by mass hysteria, or “Mass Sociogenic Illness”. However, some workers have claimed that they actually encountered the bathroom ghost. And when asked if she encountered the ghost, the woman who originally reported the bathroom spirit said that she hadn’t actually seen the ghost, but assumed that a ghost was to blame. The factory held a “special prayer” at the site to remove the ghost and the factory was shut down for a few days so everyone could calm down. And they all lived happ-I’m not doing that again. So yeah, a toilet ghost caused a riot. Not sure what else I could say other than it’s obvious these workers are feeling sick for reasons that don’t involve ghosts. I’m talking about poor work environments. But what do you think? Are ghosts to blame for hundreds of workers falling ill around Bangladesh or could it be something like poor work environments?

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