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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Missouri-Black-Eyed Child. “50 States of Freaky!” Vol. 25

Missouri - Black-Eyed Child. “50 States of Freaky!” Vol. 25

Be sure you’re all caught up with this series! “50 States of Freaky”


Wow, we’re half way done with this series! And what better way to mark the half way point than to talk about black-eyed demon children! (Raise your hand if you’re gonna have nightmares!) So black-eyed children have been reported around the world for years, but we’re just going to be talking about an encounter that happened back in 2009 in Lawson, Missouri. One day, a housewife heard a knock at her front door. She went and opened the door and saw that a little 7 year-old girl was standing there. She was wearing a white dress, had dirty hair and bad breath (tic-tac will take care of that). The little girl said she needed help and pleaded to come in, but the woman noticed the girl’s coal black eyes. The woman immediately shut and locked the door. She was so traumatized that she supposedly needed medical attention and refused to leave her house for several days. The woman says that she knew the girl was real and that she meant to do harm to her and her family.

So the next time those girl scouts come knocking at you’re door, grab a crucifix, open the door and start screaming passages from the bible and drive those evil demon children away from your house! Oh wait, actually don’t do that because you’ll probably get arrested for scarring/traumatizing little kids. But in all seriousness, let’s talk about these little demons. Black-eyed kids are a hotly debated topic in the ghost/spiritual community. People have claimed to have seen them, but there’s no real evidence to support their existence. But why do they appear as children and not adults? Simple, because people are more inclined to help a sad, defenseless little kid over some adult whom we’ve never met before. But are they actually real? Personally, I think the whole black-eyed children thing is just an urban legend. There’s no real evidence to support their existence and the story about the Missouri woman encountering one, there’s no real news article about the encounter. She conveniently asked to stay anonymous, so we have no way of know if this woman even exists. It’s probably just another creepy pasta. Those are my thoughts, but what are yours? Do you believe that there are demons masquerading as little kids with coal black eyes or is the whole thing just an old urban legend? And, what is you’re favorite girl scout cookie? (Tagalongs are the shit!)

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